How to Get My Boyfriend to Stop Smoking
You might want your boyfriend to stop smoking because you're fed up with him smelling like the bottom of an ashtray, or perhaps you want him to quit because you're concerned about his health. It's almost impossible to make people do something they don't want to do.
How to Know If a Man Cares for You
No matter how young or old, men can be hard to figure out when it comes to their feelings. If you have been dating or spending time with a man you have feelings for, it's important to know or get a sense of how he feels about you to avoid wasting your time.
How to Give a Sensual Massage to a Woman
Whether as a relaxation technique or as part of foreplay, a sensual massage is a great way to increase intimacy in a relationship. You don't need to be an expert masseur to give your woman a pleasurable, sensual massage. Relax, take your time and remember the main goal is for her to enjoy herself.
How to Get Over a Guy You Still Love
Getting over a guy you still love takes time. After a breakup, it’s common to experience the same five stages of grief -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance -- as people experience after a loved one dies. This isn’t a process that you can rush.
How to Get Your Boyfriend to Be Affectionate
Perhaps your boyfriend has always had difficulty with expressing physical affection, or perhaps you have noticed that he has shown less and less physical affection over the past few weeks or months.
How to Get Over a Narcissistic Relationship
Narcissistic relationships are among the most devastating of all broken relationships. Narcissists are generally charming, intelligent and highly manipulative. Breaking up with a narcissist means coming to terms with the fact that the person you loved was not the person you were actually with.
How to Cope With Jealousy After a Breakup
You have every right to be upset after a breakup, notes the Villanova University Counseling Center website. Denial, grief and guilt are some of the emotions that can be experienced after a breakup, as well as jealousy and anger. Susan Elliott, author of "Getting Past Your Breakup,"
How to Have Self-Confidence in a Relationship
Developing your sense of self-confidence in a relationship may be difficult if you have a low sense of self-esteem or have been hurt in previous relationships.
How to Turn Friendship Into Love
Turning a friendship into love can be challenging, especially if you’re unsure about your friend’s feelings for you. Falling in love with a friend can be a promising prospect, but making a transition from friendship to romantic interest requires precautions before you take the leap.
How to Get My Boyfriend to Be Romantic
A 2004 survey sponsored by TV personalities Phil McGraw and Oprah Winfrey found that 94 percent of people polled believe romantic gestures, such as holding hands or giving flowers, are central to their definition of love.
How to Stop Liking Someone Else When You Have a Boyfriend
Being attracted to someone else when you already have a boyfriend may be out of your control. According to psychologist Gary Lewandowski in the article "Is It Okay to Have a Crush on Someone Who Isn't Your Significant Other?" for "Science of Relationships,"
How to Talk to a Girl You Just Met
It's perfectly normal to feel anxious about engaging in conversation with a girl you have just met. Your anxiety may come from shyness, low self-esteem, a lack of dating experience or a fear of rejection, says psychologist Jeremy Nicholson in the article "Break the Ice: How to Talk to Girls and Guys," for "