How to Tell if a Man Is Lying
No one likes to be lied to or played the fool. Perhaps you have found something that raises your suspicion or your man has said something that makes you question his honesty. Although there is no tell-tale sign that a man is lying, there are indicators you can look for to help determine if he may be lying to you.
Signs of a Narcissistic Boyfriend
If you have ever wondered if your boyfriend cares more about himself than he cares about you, you may be dating a narcissist. This type of relationship can make you question your sanity, since you will probably spend a lot of time wondering if your interactions are normal.
Signs a Friendship Is Turning Into Love
Sometimes, love appears in the most unexpected of places. A friendship may turn into something more, when you least expect it. You may have concerns that your friendship will suffer if you go down the path of romance. The first thing to do is be aware of the common signs that a friendship is turning into love.
The Effects of Teenage Breakups
"Breaking up is hard to do," sang Neil Sedaka back in 1962, and he was absolutely right. Breakups are never easy, no matter what age you are, but for teenagers they can be particularly devastating. Teen couplings may be as fleeting as they are intense.
How to Respond to Silent Treatment
If the person you love is giving you the silent treatment, you may feel at a loss about how to get her to respond to you. Perhaps you did something that genuinely hurt her feelings but have since apologized. Maybe you don't even know why she is ignoring you, but you feel the need to find out.
The Physical Difference Between Long Distance Runners & Sprinters
Long distance runners and sprinters have one thing in common -- they try to win races. Physically, they are complete opposites. Long distance runners are lean, which best suits them for covering ground. Sprinters are powerfully built and explosively fast for shorter stretches.
How Long Does Therapy for a Broken Elbow and Humerus Take?
The time it takes you to recover from an upper arm and elbow fracture depends on the severity of the break. However, while the bones usually take six to eight weeks to knit together, it may take up to a year for the arm to fully return to normal.
Fresh Dates vs. Dried Dates
People have been eating dates for more than 4,000 years. As one of the sweetest fruits, dates are rich in carbohydrates and provide your body with a healthy source of energy. When you think of dates, you may think of the dried fruits, but you can also eat fresh dates.
What Can a Child Take to Break Up Phlegm in the Throat?
Excessive phlegm or mucous in the throat is a common childhood symptom. It can be caused by a number of ailments including allergies, the common cold, influenza and infections. The Food and Drug Administration warns that children under the age of 2 should never take over-the-counter decongestants.
How to Survive Affair With Married Man
You probably did not plan for it to happen. You may be ashamed or feel guilty. Anger may be present if you did not know in the beginning. It is too late to go back, though. You have had an affair with a married man and must now deal with it. The thing to do now is develop a plan to survive the liaison.
How to Know When to Go to the Hospital for Labor Pains
Your due date gives you a general idea of when your newest family member will arrive, but you can't predict exactly when your body will begin true labor. Even when the contractions start you won't necessarily rush straight to the hospital.
How to Use Buttermilk That Has Passed the Expiration Date
Dating on buttermilk is most often used to indicate to retailers how long to display the product before removing it from store shelves. Buttermilk's high acid content means it has a long shelf life and should maintain an acceptable taste and texture for at least as long as seven days after the sell-by date.