The 10 Things Single People NEVER Want to Hear
If you're single, you already know how irritating and repetitive some questions and well-meaning pieces of advice can be. If you're not, here are 10 things your single friends never want to hear.
The Most Over-the-Top Celebrity Declarations of Love
When it comes to their love lives, celebs are into making grand gestures. Here are 8 to inspire your relationship game!
17 Fun Ideas to Shake Up Date Night
This Valentine's Day, it might be time to update your #RelationshipGoals -- and one to add to your list is getting out of the “dinner-and-a-movie” date rut. By getting creative with your rendezvous, you can rekindle that old spark or light a new one.
How Not to Lose Yourself in a Relationship
Healthy relationships bring a lot of gains, but those plusses aren’t worth much if you lose your sense of self in the process.
8 Reasons Why You Always Date the Same Type
When it comes to dating and relationships, you probably have a type. Perhaps you fall for free-wheeling musicians or artists, or maybe you make a beeline for bookish, intellectual types. You might consistently go gaga over redheads or blonds or prefer dark-skinned, brown-eyed partners.
10 Toughest Health Topics to Discuss With Your Significant Other
It’s never easy to start a conversation with, “Honey, there’s something I need to tell you” -- especially when it comes to you or your partner’s health. While you want to be truthful, you also wonder if bringing up an awkward health topic will be the deal breaker that lands you back on OkCupid.
Depression After the Death of a Spouse
Losing a spouse affects every aspect of your life and continues to affect you until you’ve allowed the intricate aspects of grief to take place. The anguish from the loss of a spouse manifests itself in many ways, including severe depression.
How to Tell If a Man Is Interested in You
A smile here, a glance there. These telltale signs of flirting are almost always an indicator that a guy is interested in you. While some signs of interest and attraction are more obvious than others, how a guy interacts with you is a clear indicator of his interest in you.
The Effects of an Abusive Relationship
Many people who find themselves in an abusive relationship do not realize how damaging it can be. Abuse typically occurring in a partnership or marriage can be physical, psychological or sexual.
Signs of a Broken Heart
Depression, physical symptoms, anxiety and poor work performance can all be signs of a broken heart. Suffering a breakup is one of the most stressful life events a person can experience. It is important to understand the symptoms of a broken heart are normal and should only last for a few weeks to a couple of months.
How to Read Female Body Language in Flirting
Researchers at the Harvard Business School report that body language often is more reliable than spoken words. While much of the body language that comes into play between men and women is instinctual, men can learn how to read female body language in flirting and make sure they interpret the signs correctly.
How to Leave a Verbally Abusive Relationship Forever
Verbal abuse can be hard to detect, particularly in the early stages of a relationship, according to psychologist Marie Hartwell-Walker in her Psych Central website article, "Signs You Are Verbally Abused." Leaving can be very hard and the further into the relationship you are, the harder it is.