5 Common Nutrition Problems in Children

Children’s dietary and nutritional requirements differ from those of adults because they are still growing. Nutrients that are essential for growth become more important in children.

Should a Child Go Swimming When He Has a Chest Cold?

Splashing and swimming in the water can be a winning activity for kids, as long as they are healthy. If a child has a chest cold, you probably notice a variety of unpleasant symptoms.

How to Deal With Rude and Spoiled Children

Children who are entitled, spoiled and rude are often the product of a society where all the information, products and media children need and want are virtually at their fingertips. Teaching your child about hard work and responsibility helps him learn to appreciate effort and respect others.

Physical and Social Effects of Internet Use in Children

The side effects of constant media exposure in children continues to be a growing public health concern. In the past 20 years, Internet usage among children has steadily increased. More than two-thirds of 8-year-old children go online each day, according to a study by the nonprofit Joan Ganz Cooney Center.

How to Induce Adrenaline Release

Adrenaline rushes occur when your body releases large amounts of a hormone known as epinephrine. Your adrenal glands produce and secrete this hormone. Its primary function is to increase blood circulation to your brain and muscles.

My Child Writes Her Numbers Backwards

From your child's first scribbles to her carefully written school book reports, she goes through a series of developmental stages that help shape her handwriting. It takes time to remember which direction each letter and number is supposed to face, and it's common for children to write them backward from time to time.

My Child Eats Very Slow and Has No Attention to Eating

Ask any preschool teacher or pediatrician to list the top five concerns parents have, and food issues are often high on the list. Many toddlers and preschoolers eat slowly or show a disinterest in food.

How to Make Lunch for a Field Trip

It’s always a treat for kids when they get to leave school to visit a museum or historical monument. The key to packing a field trip lunch is to make it complete and easy for your kids to eat, wherever they are, such as on the bus, under trees on a lawn or on the front stairs of a museum.

What Are the Causes of Spitting Behavior in Children?

Spitting is an aggressive behavior that undermines adult authority and does nothing to endear your child to his peers. Keep in mind that children are poor problem solvers. Causes include attempts to handle stress, an expression of anger, a bid for negative attention or a means of defense.

Can Children Get Rashes from Vaccinations?

If your child develops a rash following immunization, don't panic. It is not a sign that your child has contracted the disease against which he has been recently immunized. Vaccines can cause side effects. These are usually minor and last a few days.

What Can a Person Do for a Child With Insecurities?

Children with shy, inhibited temperaments tend to have insecurities, marked by social awkwardness and withdrawal, for instance. Children with this temperament become especially insecure in new situations.

Molar Loss in Children

Children typically have eight primary, or baby, molar teeth -- the first and second molars, two on each side of the upper and lower jaws.