My Two Year Old Son Has Green Stool
The color of your child's poop can change for a number of reasons. Although you may be used to the hue ranges from a deep yellow to tan brown, green can often fall within that spectrum under some circumstances. Green is a pretty common stool color for a small child who eats a variety of different kinds of food.
Learning Strategies for Developmentally Delayed Children
A child is identified as developmentally delayed if he fails to achieve developmental milestones within the generally accepted time frames. For example, most children begin walking between the ages of 9 months and 15 months; they are able to walk by themselves by the time they are 2-years-old.
Should Children With a Low Grade Fever Be Kept Home from School?
A low-grade fever is any temperature between 98.7 degrees Fahrenheit and 100.4 degrees. Because the body's temperature varies with activity and many children have higher-than-average normal temperatures, most pediatricians don't consider temperatures below 100 degrees dangerous.
My One Year Old Is Suddenly Waking During the Night
While most people expect short sleep cycles with newborn babies, the resumption of night wakings in previously sound-sleeping toddlers comes as a nasty surprise for many parents. Assuming your child is healthy and teething is not especially severe, look for causes related to developmental and environmental factors.
Flushed cheeks in Toddlers
There are many reasons why a 2-year-old experiences hot cheeks when waking up. Because hot cheeks and an elevated temperature are sometimes a sign that something is wrong with your toddler, it is important to pay attention to your child’s behavior and any additional symptoms that occur upon awakening.
A Lack of Affection in Childhood Development
Children may manifest moderate to severe levels of cognitive, physical and emotional stagnation when not shown adequate attention and affection by a caring and nurturing caregiver.
Is it OK for Kids to Eat Eggs Every Day for Breakfast?
Eggs are nutritious and high in protein, but they're also high in cholesterol. Although your child needs some cholesterol to grow healthy and strong, too much cholesterol in the diet is linked to high blood cholesterol levels later in life, which can lead to heart disease.
How Well Should a 2-Year-Old Talk?
From a child's earliest cooing to fully formed words such as "Momma" and "Dada," the first 12 months of verbal development is accelerated. In the second year, this rapid pace of linguistic and cognitive development continues until a leveling off after middle childhood.
Natural Remedies to Calm an Active Child
There's no shortage of pharmaceutical products that promise to help curb excessive activity in children, but they may not be right for your child. If you balk at the idea of giving your active child a prescription medication every day, an alternative, natural remedy may be the perfect solution.
What Causes Delayed Tooth Eruption in Children?
When children's permanent teeth come in substantially later than average, it is called delayed tooth eruption. In "Factors Influencing Permanent Teeth Eruption," Ruta Almonaitiene, et al. argue that delayed tooth eruption does not normally indicate a medical problem.
Can a Child Get Fever From Cutting Adult Teeth?
By the age of 3, your child usually has all of his primary or baby teeth. At the age of about 6 years or so, these begin to exfoliate and the permanent or adult teeth start to come in. This process can go on for as long as the child is 21 years or older.
What Should Kids Drink if They're Sick With a Cough?
When your child has a cough due to a cold or the flu, keeping your child hydrated is critical to her health and recovery. Often, a child's appetite diminishes as a natural side effect of being sick. However, by selecting healthy drinks for your child, you help her stay hydrated and well-nourished as she recovers.