Developmental Milestones Related to Climbing
Climbing is a skill children master incrementally, as they reach developmental milestones for various gross motor skills, according to neurologist Lise Eliot.
Night Tremors in Children
Nightmares and night terrors are common for small children, but night tremors are a rare occurrence. Night tremors may or may not be a cause for medical concern, but parents should note symptoms and consult a medical professional.
Loose Tooth Pain in Kids
When your child reaches the age of 6, he may start to experience some wiggling of his baby teeth, signaling the impending arrival of adult teeth. Losing teeth is a milestone for any child and parent, but it also can be a source of anxiety and pain.
Observation Activities for Children
Children with keen observation skills collect information and form questions. This is the basis of inquiry and it leads to discovery and learning. Observation involves the senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
The Meaning of Being a Mother
The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless. A mother is a protector, disciplinarian and friend. A mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children.
The Impact of Sports on Middle School Students
There are more after school activity options than ever before for middle school students, including clubs, tutoring and sports participation. If your middle schooler participates in sports, you must consider the potential benefits as well as the risk of injury and the demands on the time and energy of young athletes.
Kids and Compulsive Lying
Like adults, kids often lie for many reasons or for no reason at all. Problematic, habitual lying -- in which a child lies by reflex -- is known as pathological lying or compulsive lying. If this behavior continues into adulthood, it can cause significant problems for your child's personal and social life.
Is it Safe for Kids to Eat Oysters?
Most children aren't adventurous enough to slurp a raw oyster straight out of the shell, and this is probably good. Raw oysters can harbor bacteria and toxins that can be life-threatening to young children.
When Can Children Eat Shellfish?
The time to start allowing children to eat shellfish depends on your family’s history of atopic disease, such as allergies and asthma.
What Is C-Reactive Protein in Children?
C-reactive protein or CRP is a protein produced by the liver that can be measured in a child's blood. Levels of CRP rise when there is an infection or inflammation in the body, according to MedlinePlus.
Importance of Music & Movement in the Education of Young Children
Many people think about learning the alphabet, counting and recognizing shapes when envisioning early childhood education. While those are all very important for children to learn, music and dance can be helpful as well.
The Pros and Cons of Exposing Children to Electronic Games
Electronic games, whether they are handheld or part of a larger gaming system, are widespread in the lives of 21st-century children. According to the Henry J.