Fluorescent Lighting & Children's Behavior

When mass production of fluorescent light bulbs began in 1940, they were hailed as an energy-efficient improvement on the incandescent bulb. Fluorescent lighting has long been widely used in classrooms for all ages, including preschoolers and college students.

Can Kids Eat Things Cooked in Beer?

Beer has only 14 grams of alcohol in 12 fluid ounces, which is less than many other wines and spirits, according to the Nutrition Profiles website. Nevertheless, concerned parents often wonder whether it is safe to add beer to food and serve it to their children.

At What Age Are Children the Most Rebellious?

According to Dr. Peter Ernest Haiman, a child rearing expert and therapist, a child's need to develop a sense of autonomy is particularly strong between 1 and 4 years old.

The Difference Between Typical and Atypical Development in Children

Children have so many ways in which they need to develop: language skills, cognitive skills, social skills and physical skills.

The Physical Impact of Technology on Children

Advances in technology allow children to have Internet access through computers and cell phones. Even if a parent is diligent in limiting a child's time on those devices, TV, iPods, MP3s, DVD players and video games are waiting in the wings, vying for your child’s attention.

What Are the Dangers of Baby Nostril Suckers?

It's the ubiquitous tool found in nurseries, hospitals and homes across the country: the nasal aspirator. Known commonly as a bulb syringe or nose sucker, it's used to relieve mucous in babies who don't yet know the art of blowing their noses.

What to Do if Your Child Swallowed a Small Rock

Children tend to put anything they can find into their mouths. It's not limited to babies or toddlers, either. Many preschool and early elementary age children also like to put objects into their mouths -- sometimes that object is a rock.

Ideas for Kids to Dress Up Like Old People

During elementary school, kids are often encouraged to dress up as 100-year-olds for the 100th day of school. Other times, they may just want to be senior citizens for Halloween. This costume is simple as long as you have a few key items, which can often be picked up at thrift stores or from friends and relatives.

Making Teen Boys Do Their Homework

You were a teen once, which is why you know firsthand that it may not be fun for your teenage son to do his homework, but as soon as he’s done he’ll have all weekend to focus on the fun stuff. You are intelligent enough to see it that way now, but your teenage son may not see it that way just yet.

Do School Uniforms Negatively Affect Kids' Behavior?

The pros and cons of students wearing school uniforms is a hotly debated topic with supporters on both sides passionately holding to their stances.

Washington State Law on Leaving Kids Home Alone

It's a crazy, busy world. Mom works, Dad works and the kids have after-school obligations. With everything you have to do, it isn't always convenient -- or even affordable -- to schedule someone to look after the children.

Rules in Ohio on Kids Riding in the Front Seat

Like many states, Ohio has strict regulations on restraining children in cars. The law includes stipulations for when children can ride in the front seat of the car, although there are exceptions to the rule.