Five Domains for Early Childhood Development

Children begin developing at birth and continue to adulthood. The successful completion of developmental milestones helps your child reach her full potential.

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Early Childhood Education

The Harvard Family Research Project defines educational involvement of families as activities that parents conduct at home and in early childhood settings to directly or indirectly support their child's learning.

Causes of Early Development of Pubic Hair on Girls

Normally, a girl begins to develop pubic hair between 10 and 11 years old. However, some medical conditions can cause young girls to exhibit early signs of puberty before the age of 8.

What are the Effects of the Home Environment on Learning?

Learning is the process of absorbing new information in a meaningful way and putting it to use. Children and young adults learn a large portion of their knowledge at school.

Stages of Psychological Development in a Child

From birth to young adulthood, children have a life separate from their physical being. The stages and ways children learn follow the physical milestones of development, with babies learning by using their senses and children in school learning by experience, trial and observation.

How Education Affects Early Childhood Development

Early childhood education can impact a child's academic success and reduce incidences of crime and delinquency, according to professor W. Steven Barnett, author of "Preschool Education and Its Lasting Effects: Research and Policy Implications," published by the National Institute for Early Education Research.

Bad Behavior in Children at School

Disruptive behavior in school can lead to a myriad of problems for the teacher, school faculty, classmates and the child causing trouble. Knowing the difference between rude behavior and bad behavior can be a challenge. If your child continuously misbehaves in school, he may be labeled as a "bad child"

The Average Weight & Height of 2-Year-Olds

Between birth and his second birthday, your baby will grow an amazing amount. During the year leading up to your child's third birthday, you can expect him to grow another two to three inches and gain an additional four pounds, according to KidsHealth.

The Social, Emotional & Physical Development of Infants

As you bring home your new infant, you may be surprised at how fast he seems to grow. Your baby will continue to develop socially, emotionally and physically and will develop a strong understanding of language. You can help your child grow by consistently interacting with him.

Physical Development of 7 to 12 Year Olds

A child between the ages of 7 and 12 years is fairly independent when it comes to physical activities, and his coordination and stability continue to improve over time. His body is also going through many physical changes as he prepares to enter his teenage years.

The Normal Child Behavior for a Seven Year Old

The behavior of a 7-year-old is influenced by many factors, including physical and emotional development and environment. Every child is unique, and no child will exhibit the same mannerisms or behaviors as another. However, some typical social, cognitive and physical behaviors are exhibited by 7-year-old.