How to Teach Morals to Children
Teaching your children moral values is the process by which you help them develop their moral compasses. The morals your children learn as kids will affect how they see the world and behave as adults.
Fine & Gross Motor Skills Activities
From running a marathon to brushing your teeth, all of your actions involve motor skills. Gross motor skills include running, jumping and other large movements; fine motor skills are small movements such as picking up a pencil and writing.
The Difference Between Intrinsic Motivation & Extrinsic Motivation
There are many theories about what motivates people. In actuality, you are motivated by both internal and external factors, as there is always a mixture of reasons why you do, achieve, behave, learn and react.
Reasons for a Lack of Self-Confidence in Children
Strong self-confidence can give kids the energy and courage necessary to reach for the stars. A child who lacks self-confidence might arrive at this unpleasant struggle as a result of several different situations.
How to Improve Children's Listenting Skills
Active listening skills facilitate effective communication throughout life. Children often struggle with listening skills, missing key pieces of information in the communication process. Helping your child improve his listening skills at an early age benefits him in school and in his social relationships.
How to Help a 7-Year-Old Child Get to Sleep
If your 7-year-old is a night owl and stays up until 10 p.m. or later, you might mistakenly assume that she needs a later bedtime or that she simply does not need much sleep. Sleep expert Jodi Mindell, author of "Sleeping Through the Night,"
How to Discipline Your Three-Year-Old
The "terrible twos" have a bad reputation, but some parents find three to be just as difficult when it comes to behaviors. Disciplining your 3-year-old child helps her learn boundaries and appropriate behavior, which helps her better function within society.
How to Teach Preschool Children About Emotions & Feelings
Preschoolers need guidance to help them interpret their own feelings and emotions and to interact appropriately with others.
Activities That Promote Physical, Cognitive & Creative Development
From birth, children are developing skills that will help them participate in, understand and respond to their environment, as well as interact with their parents, caregivers and peers. Children make physical, cognitive and creative developmental progress mostly through play.
Fun Outdoor Activities To Do in the Rain
Rainy day activities typically involve games or projects indoors that allow you to stay dry. Heading outdoors to embrace the rain, however, can be rewarding for children and adults alike. Outdoor rain activities are safe only when there is no chance of lightning, hail or other severe weather.
Why Should Children Play Sports?
Sports, whether team-based or individual, are a great activity for children that provide a variety of benefits other than physical activity. Participation in sports can help build self-esteem and confidence, can motivate children to excel academically and can help build social skills.
Stages of Child Growth & Development
Even though many theories exist regarding the stages of child growth and development, one of the most respected and influential theories has been that of 20th century psychologist Erik Erikson.