Causes of Headaches and Nausea in Children
It’s common to worry if your youngster is feeling down in the dumps because of a headache. But in most cases, a headache on its own is rarely cause for alarm. However, if the headache is accompanied by nausea -- or other symptoms -- it could be a sign of a more serious condition. KidsHealth.
How to Discipline a Child Who Shows No Remorse
Dealing with a child who shows no remorse can be challenging, disturbing and even frightening, particularly if the child is your own. There are several reasons a child may fail to show remorse, some of which might be related to inherent conditions, such as Asperger's Syndrome.
How to Improve Reading in Children Who Are Reading Below Grade Level
A child who is reading below grade level is most likely frustrated and embarrassed. According to the Annie E. Casey Foundation website, 34 percent of fourth graders tested in 2009 did not have adequate basic reading skills.
How to Discipline a Screaming 2-Year-Old
Toddler meltdowns are frequent problem for the parents of a 2-year-old. Young children may become frustrated easily, but lack the verbal skills to express what it is they want. In many cases, this frustration leads to a screaming temper tantrum.
How to Make My Child Stop Spitting
A child often spits to illicit a reaction from adults or to show contempt for something when verbal explanation isn't possible. Spitting is a habit that can follow your child throughout life and cause problems, so it's important to do what you can to make your child stop spitting as soon as you notice a problem.
How to Stop a Teen Girl From Wetting the Bed
If you're like most parents, you had to deal with your share of soaked sheets and midnight tears when your child was small. For approximately 2 percent of girls, though, bed-wetting, or enuresis, continues well into the teenage years.
How to Handle a Smart-Mouthed Child
A child with a “smart mouth” may talk back, curse, mimic or speak disrespectfully to you when he’s feeling angry, frustrated or in need of attention. If your child can’t curb the bad habit, he may get into trouble with teachers, classmates, teammates or siblings who may see him as rude or argumentative.
How to Improve a 5-Year-Old's Handwriting and Reading
Your 5-year-old is on the cusp of learning to read and is developing the small motor skills necessary to write. According to LD Online, the majority of children learn to read by the time they are 7.
How to Stop Children from Falling Out of Bed
Parents of young children might find their little one asleep on the floor next to his bed, having fallen out overnight. Children, especially those who have recently transitioned from a crib, fall out of bed often without serious injury.
How Does Homeschool Affect Children?
Home-school offers parents a way to have more control over a child’s education and gives students a chance to learn in an environment that may be more conducive to their needs than a traditional academic setting.
How to Encourage Children in Sports
Sports can be more than just a way to pass the time after school and on weekends. According to the website Kids Health from Nemours, regular exercise can help children strengthen bones and muscles, get a sound sleep and reduce the risk of obesity and health problems such as Type 2 diabetes.
Games To Build Self-Confidence
According to Kids Health, self-confidence is a necessary part of being a kid. Children experience many new things as they grow, and having a strong feeling of self-worth will enable children to navigate the growing-up years successfully.