Brain Motor Skills
Motor skills are needed to control the movements of the different muscles in the human body. Motor skills are divided into gross and fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are learned first and over the years, they tend to become almost automatic. They include, crawling walking, jumping or keeping balance.
How to Write a Child's Obituary
The death of a child is a difficult event to have to go through regardless of the cause of the child’s passing. Writing an obituary for a child is usually an emotional task for the child’s parents or loved ones. The obituary must honor the child and help to celebrate his life, states Partnership for Parents.
Dangers of Children Swallowing Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is a sweet treat that, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, has been around since prehistoric times. Chewing gum can freshen your child's breath and provide entertainment in the form of learning how to blow bubbles.
What to Expect When a Child Loses Baby Teeth
Whether or not you teach your child to believe in the tooth fairy, losing his baby teeth can be an exciting time and a significant sign that he is growing up.
Do Team Sports Help Kids to Be Successful Later in Life?
Millions of children participate in sporting activities, according to the New York University Child Study Center.
How to Help a 9-Year-Old Child Sleep
When a 9-year old is having trouble falling asleep at night, there can be many factors involved. School stress, social pressures, over stimulation, poor diet, or anxiety may contribute to inability to fall asleep. Young pre-teens may experience a completely normal hormonal shift that causes difficulty sleeping.
At What Age Can a Child Be Left Home Alone?
Although there is no set age at which a child can be left home alone, there are guidelines parents can use to help determine if their child is physically, mentally and emotionally ready for this type of independence.
Pros & Cons of Children in Sports
Health care providers place a growing emphasis on physical fitness for kids. One way for children to stay healthy is to play sports. In addition to providing physical activity, sports also help children develop social skills and practice teamwork.
Scholarships for Disabled Parents
Paying for college can be difficult, particularly for those students who face certain barriers to higher education including disability. With the cost of college tuition steadily increasing, more and more students are turning to scholarship funding to help relieve some of the financial burden.
What is the Best Way for a Child to Sleep When Coughing?
If your child has been lying awake at night with a hacking cough, you can help make his night more bearable. Most likely, your child's cough is caused by a cold or the flu. If your child's cough lasts more than a few days or is accompanied by any serious symptoms, consult a doctor.
Pros and Cons of Kids Using Computers
A study led by Sandra Calvert of the Children’s Digital Media Center found that 21 percent of children two years and younger use computers, achieving the ability to use them independently at three years old. In addition, 58 percent of three- to four-year-olds use computers, as well as 77 percent of 5- to 6-year-olds.
Britax Marathon vs. Britax Boulevard
The Britax Marathon and the Britax Boulevard are both convertible child safety seats, meaning that they can be installed in either direction: rear-facing for infants and forward-facing for older children. The two models share many features, but there are a few key differences. The Boulevard is the "higher-end"