How Much TV Does the Average Child Watch Each Day?
More than 70 percent of children ages 8 to 18 have TVs in their bedrooms, according to the University of Michigan Health System. More than 35 percent have cable or satellite-TV access. Criticism of the effects of TV on children is documented.
Games for Kids Ages 10 to 12
As your child enters the preteen years between ages 10 and 12, you may find the simple games that enthralled him in his younger years no longer hold his interest or challenge his developing abilities. Some children will gravitate naturally toward more sedentary activities, such as video and computer games.
Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development
Young children can be affected by many social, economic and environmental factors both in positive and negative ways. Because children are so vulnerable, they can be easily affected by things many parents and adults take for granted.
Child Development Stages From Birth to 7 Years
Children develop rapidly from birth to seven years, progressing from totally helpless infants to individuals who can think, speak and solve problems. Knowing the stages of child development can help you understand their needs and behaviors and provide appropriate learning opportunities and activities.
Concentration Exercises for Kids
Concentration exercises for kids are designed to help improve your child's ability to focus during school and during basic daily activities. Although some of these exercises are designed specifically for children with ADD or ADHD, most concentration exercises will benefit all kids.
The Long-Term Effects of Physical Punishment on a Child
Disciplining a child is a necessary part of parenthood. Although physical, or corporal, punishment is illegal in places such as Sweden, it is commonly practiced in America. A 1999 survey led by Murray A. Straus and Julie H. Stewart, called "Corporal Punishment by American Parents,"
Are Competitive Sports Bad for Kids?
With 7.7 million teens on high school sports teams and millions more children in club sports for all ages, kids are involved in competitive sports now more than ever.
Reasons Why a One-Year-Old Cannot Sleep
The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that one-year-old toddlers are in need of about 10 to 13 hours of sleep per day. When your one year old is waking through the night or will not fall asleep, this has adverse effects on his health and demeanor.
Which Baby Teeth Do Children Lose?
Losing baby teeth can be both an exciting and an anxiety-provoking time for children. The excitement of a visit from the Tooth Fairy is balanced with the fact that something in their body is falling out -- a phenomenon some kids like, while others dread.
How to Create a Positive Learning Environment for Children
In a school or home setting, a positive learning environment is crucial for a child. A positive learning environment not only consists of the physical setting, but it also encompasses how the child feels or responds to the setting.
Is Sucralose Safe for Children?
Although sucralose, also known as Splenda, is a calorie-free way to sweeten food and drinks and generally recognized as safe, it’s not necessarily the best choice for kids – even overweight children.
Fun Games for 10-Year-Olds
Party games for 10 year olds can provide substitutes for spending hours on the Internet and in front of the television.