Importance of Sports & Games in School
The importance of sports and games in school encompasses more than just the benefit of physical activity. Increases in self-esteem and mental alertness make school sports and games necessary for every school age child.
How Do Sports Help Kids in School?
Sports and physical activity generally play a significant part in the school experience for many American kids. While there are benefits to involving a child in organized sports programs, there could also be negative drawbacks.
Why Is Nutrition Education Important for School Age Children?
The only nutrition education some kids get is what is taught at school. Young children can learn the difference between nutritious foods and unhealthy foods through both education and educational activities.
What Age Do Children Learn to Ride a Bike?
A child’s ability to learn how to ride a bicycle depends on her physical development, coordination, and mastery of gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Most children are ready to ride a bicycle by the time they are 5 years old, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Foods or Drinks to Help Children Have a Bowel Movement
Constipation occurs when children have fewer than two bowel movements per week or have bowel movements that are dry, hard and difficult to pass. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, constipation is common in children and accounts for 5 percent of all visits to a pediatrician's office.
Statistics on Kids Involved in Sports
Children who wish to participate in sports have a large menu of options to choose from. Sports are generally considered a healthy and educational activity for youth. According to The Center for Kids First, 30 million to 40 million children get involved in organized sports in the course of a year.
Physical Education Games for Elementary Children
Physical education is just as important as any subject in an elementary school, according the Council on Physical Education for Children. Physical education helps to develop motor skills, body awareness, social interaction and cognitive development.
Classical Conditioning Classroom Exercises
Any student who takes a psychology class is familiar with the principles of Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning learning models. In classical conditioning, a subject learns a behavior through subconscious stimuli.
Sugar Addiction in Children
Sugar is added to many processed foods, and children are increasingly addicted to the sweet stuff. Many children are more sensitive than adults to the effects of sugar. Children crave sugar, because when they have some they tend to crash as it is digested, making them want more so they feel better.
Can Supplements Help Anger?
Feeling angry is natural part of the fight or flight response for all people and is often a reaction to a threat, feelings of frustration, or the perception of being criticized. Anger can also be a more aggressive and protective version of underlying emotions such as loneliness, sadness, and fright.
Cheese & Children's Nutrition
Among children between 6 and 11 years old, 44 percent of boys and 58 percent of girls do not consume enough calcium, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Not only is cheese a good source of calcium, it also provides protein and a number of essential vitamins and minerals.
How Many Calories Does an 8 Year Old Girl Need Per Day?
Individual calorie needs vary because they are based on gender, age and activity level. On average, an 8-year-old girl should consume 1,400 to 1,800 calories each day depending on activity level.