Can Probiotics Be Harmful to Cancer Patients?
Your body naturally harbors a certain amount of bacteria that do not cause health problems. Instead, these bacteria have adapted to help the human body.
Foods That Fight Bladder Cancer
More than 14,000 people die of bladder cancer every year, the National Cancer Institute reports. Risk factors for bladder cancer include being obese, tobacco use and a diet low in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
What Are the Causes of a Swollen Breast?
Many women experience swollen breasts at some time in their lives. A woman may experience breast swelling when one or both of her breasts enlarge beyond their regular size.
Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Limbic System
The limbic system represents the part of your brain devoted to the most basic survival structures that protect and regulate emotions and reactive states. Interconnecting pathways link the limbic system, located deep within your brain, to the hypothalamus, which controls thinking, behavior and hormonal functions.
Methyl Diet
Methyl is a term from organic chemistry that refers to nutrients which produce the biochemical process, methylation, where chemicals are added to proteins, DNA, or other molecules to keep your body functioning properly.
Reasons for Breast Sensitivity
Breast tenderness or pain can result from many different factors; however, physicians stress that tenderness or pain does not commonly indicate breast cancer and that some breast tenderness is normal, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.
How ShanDo Is Dealing With Chemo and Radiation
Shannon Doherty has been using Instagram as a means to share her experience with the disease continues to inspire all of us by opening up and sharing.
Diet for Throat Cancer Patients
Cancer of the throat can significantly impact your diet and eating habits. Treatment options for throat cancer include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or all three. The combination of cancer and treatment will most likely affect your appetite and ability to consume certain foods.
What Are the Differences Between Multiple Myeloma & Myeloid Leukemia?
Multiple myeloma and myeloid leukemia have much in common. The names are similar, because they are both cancers that start in the bone marrow. Many of the symptoms are similar, and even some of the same drugs are used to treat both diseases. However, they are two distinctly different entities.
Causes of a Swollen Male Breast
Men have far less breast tissue than women and consequently have a lower incidence of breast-related ailments. However, men can experience swelling, pain and cancer in their breasts. More common than breast cancer in men is swelling in one or both breasts.
What Are the Four Types of Antibodies?
Antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (Ig) are a form of protein. The body produces antibodies when antigens, which are substances that can cause damage are present. Parasites, bacteria, cancer cells and viruses are examples of antigens.
How to Treat Skin Fungus With Vitamins
Athlete's foot and ringworm are some common types of skin fungus that many people will get at least once in their lifetime.