Ear Signs of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer often develops on sun-exposed areas of the body, including the ears as well as the face, neck, chest, hands, arms and legs. Skin cancer that develops on the ear can take various forms. Although fair-skinned people have a higher risk of skin cancer, people of all skin tones may be affected, MayoClinic.

Lung Cancer & Low Potassium

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 200,000 people in the United States were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2007 and more than158,000 people died from the disease that year.

Stages of Cancer Grief

After someone has been diagnosed with cancer, current or anticipated losses such as control over daily living, health, and even life itself can contribute to grieving.

Colonoscopy Symptoms of a Perforated Colon

Colonoscopy is a test that enables the inspection of the entire colon using a fiberoptic tube known as colonoscope. A colonoscopy is used to detect abnormalities in the colon such as colon cancer and inflammation. Colon perforation occurs when the colonoscope punctures the wall of the colon during a colonoscopy.

Causes of Swollen Aching Breasts

Breast discomfort in women is not all that uncommon, and not necessarily indicative of the presence of a particular disease or disorder, reports Breastdiscomfort.net. Many women experience breast swelling and discomfort at some point in their lives.

Women's Colon Cancer Symptoms

Colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is the fourth most common form of cancer in women and men, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Red Blotches on the Breast

Red blotches on the breast can indicate a range of conditions, including hives, rash or dermatitis. Sometimes red blotches are caused by cancer. You may experience symptoms of itch or pain, or none at all.

The Average Cost for Cancer Chemotherapy Treatment

The cost of cancer chemotherapy can vary widely depending on a number of factors. The high cost of chemotherapy can be prohibitive for many cancer patients. According to the U.S.

What Are the Treatments for Drug Induced Parkinsonism?

Secondary parkinsonism results from a medication or illness that causes a drop in the amount of the neurotransmitter dopamine, producing symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease, such as tremors and shuffling movements.

Uses for Chemotherapy Other Than Cancer

Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells, which grow and divide at an abnormally fast rate, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. These drugs often kill other healthy cells in the body--including those in the gastrointestinal tract, immune system and bloodstream--in addition to cancer cells.

Early Signs of Flesh Eating Bacteria

The phrase “flesh-eating bacteria” refers to a rare but potentially life-threatening infection, which affects the skin and soft tissues down to the muscles. The medical term for a flesh-eating bacterial infection is necrotizing fasciitis (NF).

Retinol and Skin Cancer

Retinol, the popular ingredient found in drugstore and high-end antiaging skin products, promises to turn back time on your skin, or so as the cosmetic industries claim. It’s not difficult to obtain retinol as you can get them from your foods, specifically animal products.