Consequences of a Prolonged Poison Ivy Rash

Triggered by an allergic reaction to the plant oil called urushiol, poison ivy rashes produce a severe prolonged itching that will not stop. Poison Oak states that about 80 percent of the general population will be allergic to urushiol.

4 Ways to Identify Autoimmune Skin Disorders

When a person's body attacks its own cells or organs because it can not identify these as part of the body, he is said to have an autoimmune disorder.

What Causes Large Breasts?

Large breasts are a physical characteristic that is either regaled or minimized and hidden, depending on the culture in which you are raised. Breast size does not correspond to an increase in milk production or any other type of prowess.

Physical Signs of Dying From Liver Cancer

Terminal liver cancer occurs when the cancer has spread outside of the liver to other vital organs in the body. It can be hard for the friends, family and caretakers to deal with the death of someone who is in the final stages of liver cancer.

Gum Cancer Symptoms

The Online Cancer Center reports that cancer of the gums is known as gingival cancer. Gum cancer is one of many types of cancers grouped in the category of head and neck cancers. According to the MayoClinic.

First Signs and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, develops in the tissues lining the stomach. According to the National Cancer Society, approximately 22,220 cases of stomach cancer will be diagnosed in 2014. There are no known exact causes of stomach cancer.

Differences between Malignant Melanoma and a Normal Mole

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. It arises from specialized skin cells called melanocytes, which produce the color (pigment) in our skin. Melanomas are pigmented lesions that resemble normal skin moles. However, melanomas usually have characteristics that distinguish them from moles.

What Are the Treatments for Precancer in the Breast?

Breast cells undergo cycles of proliferation and maturation throughout the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. These cycles of cell growth are governed by a number of molecular signals that guide the behavior of the cells.

Symptoms of Cecum Carcinoma

The cecum connects the large intestine and the small intestine. While most colorectal cancers arise in the far end of the colon, the rectum and sigmoid colon, the cecum is the next most common site for cancer to arise, according to the Surgical Practice of Northern New Jersey.

Symptoms of a Cancerous Cyst on a Lung

Cancerous cysts on the lung can cause manifest in a number of ways. Often there are no symptoms until the cyst has grown in size. Sometimes, symptoms are associated with other conditions, such as colds, over exertion and general stress. This causes people to ignore the warning signs to have a cancer screening.

Foods That Will Heal the Pancreas

The pancreas plays a crucial role in digestion. When food empties from your stomach into the small intestine, it mixes with digestive enzymes from the pancreas that neutralize stomach acid, preventing damage to the intestine. These enzymes also break down your food so that it can be absorbed by your body.

Common Sites for Breast Cancer

The breasts are hormonally regulated organs made up of a range of tissue types: lobules, which make and secrete milk; ducts, which carry the milk from the lobules to the nipple; fat and connective tissue, which support the shape of the breast; lymph nodes and blood vessels; and the nipple, which secretes milk during la