A Cancerous Growth on the Nose
The nose is a common site for skin cancer, due to its exposure to the sun. Skin cancer will affect one in five people over their lifetime, with the highest risk group being those with light skin, eyes and hair. Fortunately, cancer on the nose is easily visible.
Stage IIIC Ovarian Cancer Prognosis
At the time of diagnosis and first treatment, ovarian cancers are assigned to a stage based upon tumor size, the involvement of lymph nodes and the spread to body parts beyond the lymph nodes.
Probiotics & Chemo
Chemotherapy attacks cells that divide rapidly. Although this primarily affects cancer cells, healthy human cells, including those in the digestive tract, are also affected. Probiotics are supplements that boost the levels of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive tract.
Radiation Effects on the Environment
There are many forms of radiation. Some forms of radiation are found in the natural environment and others are due to modern technology. Whether natural or man-made, radiation can be both harmful and beneficial to the environment. The sun, for example can have positive and negative effects on plant and animal life.
Fluid Buildup in the Calf
Swelling is part of your body’s natural response to inflammation from a traumatic injury, or it can signal that your body is having difficulty circulating fluids.
Soft Diets for People Who Have Throat Cancer
The term throat cancer refers to the development of cancerous tumors in the pharynx, larynx or tonsils. Treatment for throat cancer generally involves radiation therapy, which can result in inflammation of the throat and mouth and throat soreness or intense burning.
Foods to Not Eat With Kidney Cancer
As a part of the urinary tract system, your kidneys are responsible for ridding your body of excess fluids and waste. Like all organs, your kidneys are are susceptible to cancer. According to the National Kidney Foundation, there are two main types of kidney cancer: transitional and renal cell cancer.
What Are the Causes of Thickness in Breast Tissue?
The breasts contain large amounts of glandular tissue, organized into milk-producing lobules and milk-transporting ducts. The lobules and ducts form a complex tree-like structure that connects to the nipple.
Cautions for Family Members of Persons Receiving Radiation Treatments for Cancer
Radiation treatments for cancer include external beam radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy treatments. When patients receive external beam radiation treatments, they are not radioactive and no precautions for the family are necessary.
Skin Signs of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer causes several types of symptoms. including generalized, whole body symptoms such as fatigue and weight loss. Lung cancer also causes symptoms from the invasion of the tumor into normal tissues, as well as symptoms related to various hormone-like compounds produced by the tumor.
Complications After Colon Cancer Surgery
Colon cancer forms in the tissues of the longest part of the large intestine, Almost all cases of colon cancer require surgery but with modern advances and early detection, less than 5% of patients will require a colostomy according to the American College of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ACCRS).
Stevia and Cancer
According to the 2002 issue of "Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin," leaves pulled from the plant Stevia rebaudiana were used for centuries in South America as a sweetener in mate tea. Presently, stevia is gaining popularity in the United States as an alternative sweetening agent.