How Is a Port for Chemo Inserted?
Chemotherapy is a common treatment for patients with cancer. It is designed to selectively destroy cells that are very rapidly dividing. Because cancer cells divide more quickly than normal cells, they will be more affected by the chemotherapy.
Signs of the Last Stages of Bone Cancer
Bone tissue growth and remodeling begins in utero and continues throughout a person's life. Specialized cells called osteoblasts continuously deposit new bone tissue, while other cells called osteoclasts breast down old tissue. The balance between bone growth and reabsorption helps maintain normal bone mass.
Early Symptoms of Mouth & Throat Cancer
In 2009 in the United States, 30,676 cases of oral cavity and oropharynx cancer, and 24,900 cases of laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer were diagnosed, according to the National Cancer Institute.
Weightlifting and Armpit Cysts
Lifting weights comes with myriad benefits. Chief among them is strength, but resistance training also can improve balance, enhance mood, increase caloric need and even prevent bone loss. That being said, lifting weights has its own set of safety concerns.
Early Warning Signs of Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer is an uncommon, aggressive form of the illness that can quickly spread to other parts of the body. This form of breast cancer accounts for approximately 1 to 5 percent of breast cancers in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute.
5 Things You Need to Know About Dead Skin Inside the Mouth
If you are a smoker and find that you get dead skin inside your mouth, you should not be surprised. Mouth changes with tobacco use. The lining of the oral cavity is composed of layers of flat scale-like cells called squamous epithelium.
What Are Skin Symptoms of Mites?
The human itch mite infects people of all ages, social classes and races the world over. The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology estimates that more than 300 million people become infested with the human itch mite each year.
How Culture Affects Diet
When you grow up in a distinctive culture, it’s bound to influence your lifestyle, your belief system — and perhaps most enjoyably, your diet. You might have a soft spot for mama’s marinara, an aunt’s curry and chapatis, dad’s barbecue ribs or grandmother’s holiday tamales.
5 Things You Need to Know About Brain Cancer Life Expectancy
For a successful recovery, it is essential to know the origin of cancer in the brain. As some brain cells go haywire, they transform into a tumor feeding on the blood and nutrients around them.
Herbal Remedies for Leukemia
Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects your blood vessels, such as the lymphatic system and bone marrow. Symptoms include fever or chills, weight loss, fatigue, easy bleeding, red spots on the skin, bone pain and sweating. Treatment can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy and stem cell transplant.
Causes of a Tingling Sensation in the Breast
Each breast contains tissue rich in nerve endings, each of which send feedback to the brain in response to changes in temperature, pain or touch. Tingling in the breast can occur when nerves in the breast become damaged, leading to a "pins and needles" feeling that can eventually lead to numbness.
Nose Cancer Signs
The nose contains cartilage and bone, with the sinus cavities lined with specialized cells that form a mucous membrane. Nose cancer, a form of head and neck cancer, arises from cells within the sinus cavity that begin to proliferate uncontrollably to form a tumor in and around the sinus cavity.