I Have a Cyst on My Cheek Bone

Epidermoid cysts, commonly called sebaceous cysts, are bumps that develop beneath the surface of the skin, particularly the skin of the face, neck and trunk. Sebaceous cysts typically aren't dangerous, although large cysts, especially on the face, may affect appearance or interfere with daily life.

Signs & Symptoms of a Pulled Abdominal Muscle

A pulled abdominal muscle is a relatively common, troublesome injury among physically active people. The injury muscle fiber tearing in one or more of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Also known as an abdominal muscle strain, this type of injury ranges from mild to severe, depending on the extent of tearing.

IBS & Gas Pain That Hurts in the Back

Irritable bowel syndrome, also referred to as IBS, causes your intestines to contract slower or faster than normal. Due to the difference in the way your bowels constrict, this can cause your large intestine to create gas, pain, cramping and sudden bouts of diarrhea or constipation.

Shoulder Pain From Yoga

"Yoga Journal" reports that shoulder injuries are common among practicing yogis. If shoulders are already weak and susceptible to injury, yoga postures need to be done with caution and care. Yoga poses should build strength in the shoulders without aggravating the injuries.

Difference Between a Pulled Muscle & a Cramp

Muscle pain can stop you in your tracks. But is it a cramp or a pulled muscle that's bothering you? Though the terms are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing.

How to Reverse Bone Loss in Teeth

Bone loss in the jaw bone can cause the teeth to become loosened or even fall out. Bone loss around the teeth is usually caused by periodontal disease. One of the difficulties in treating bone loss around the teeth is that the bone loss cannot be reversed, although new bone can be grafted in.

Causes of Fever & Back Pain

The combination of fever and back pain can be worrisome for a patient, since it is one of the patterns doctors look for when ruling out dangerous disorders such as cancer or infection.

What Are the Treatments for a Bone Bruise in the Ankle?

A bone bruise results from intensive and compressive forces directed at a bone during an injury. Damage to the bone occurs in the interior, or medullary, portion and will often be accompanied by edema and swelling.

Signs That Your Spine is Out of Alignment

The spinal column is made of bones called vertebrae, soft cushioning discs that act as shock absorbers and strong, heavy ligaments that add form and stability. Attached to the spine are many muscles that give strength and movement to the spine.

How to Recover From Bad Running Leg Cramps

Leg cramps from running are typically caused by overuse, muscle strain or dehydration. Running too far too quickly and without sufficient training or warming up can quickly lead to thigh and calf cramps.

Exercises for a Pelvic Fracture

Athletic teens, the elderly and people with osteoporosis are all at increased risk for pelvic fractures, which often occur as a result of a fall, motor vehicle accident or other impact force.

What Is Bone Marrow Edema?

Bone bruising was a phenomenon that was not observed prior to magnetic resonance imaging, according to the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. Bone marrow edema and bone bruising appear the same on MRI.