What Are the Dangers of an Inversion Table?
Inversion therapy is used to apply pressure to the spine. Participants lie down on an inversion table and are turned upside down.
The End Stages of Degenerative Disc Disease
End stage or advanced degenerative disc disease occurs when the intervertebral disc degenerates and the disc space collapses. This can result in herniation of the inner disc material through the disc wall. There also can be visible changes on the bony portion of the adjacent vertebrae as detected by MRI or CT scan.
Pulled Abdominal Muscle or a Hernia?
Pain in your abdomen can be caused by many things, including a pulled muscle or hernia. Both conditions may cause pain that increases with activity and subsides with rest.
Specialized Cells in the Skeletal System
The human skeleton is composed mainly of a substance called bone, and there are primarily four types of cells that make up bone. These are the osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteoclasts and osteocytes. Their names all start with the prefix “osteo,“ which is the Greek word for "bone."
Vitamins for a Herniated Disc
Herniated discs can create back, neck, arm or leg pain in individuals who have them. Herniated discs -- may also be referred to as slipped or ruptured discs.
Can I Exercise With a Cervical Herniated Disc?
Your spine is a column of bones called vertebrae and tough, cartilage-containing discs that cushion the spine. A thick, protective band that features a gel-like substance underneath it surrounds the discs.
The Best Vitamins for a Muscle Strain
Muscles are only one of a variety of connective tissues in the body. They are used to hold the skeleton together, give you strength and motion. When these muscle as strained or pulled, they require additional nutrition and vitamins to effect a strong repair at the cellular level.
BMI Index According to Bone Structure
BMI, or body mass index, is a measurement used to determine your level of fat in the context of your weight and height. The numbers often are used to determine whether you are obese or overweight.
Which Herbs Reduce Uterine Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are growths of non-cancerous tissue on the lining of the uterus. The growths can range from the size of a pea to five inches in diameter. Although they are not harmful, they can cause significant pain.
Natural Ways to Relieve Back Pain Inflammation
The causes of back pain and inflammation can be hard to pin down, so many people feel locked into a cycle of using medicinal remedies for pain relief. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs, however, cause serious side effects if used for long periods of time.
Does Taking Potassium Supplements Help Leg Cramps?
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reports that a deficiency in electrolytes like potassium can cause muscle cramps, particularly in your legs. This can occur frequently in the summer, when heat causes you to lose salt and other minerals through your sweat.