Tendons in the Back of Knee

When hamstring tendons are strained or torn, they can really wreak havoc on not only your workout or athletic performance, but also on your everyday life.

A Knot in My Hamstring After a Pull

If you feel a knot in your hamstring after an injury, you might have a severe tear in your muscle and need medical attention.

Pain in the Quadriceps

Tenderness and pain in your quads could be due to an injury, DOMS or, in rare cases, a serious medical condition.

What Causes Sore Ankles After Cardio Exercise?

Cardio exercise can sometimes leave ankles feeling achy. The most common culprit being the wrong shoes.

Weak Leg Muscles From Sitting at a Desk Too Long

Sitting all day endangers your health, and that includes affecting your leg muscles. Take regular breaks to move around.

Stretches for Thigh Pain

Releive pain in your thighs by stretching your quadriceps, hamstrings, adductor and abductor muscles.

How to Treat a Pulled Quadricep Muscle

A mild quadriceps pull can be treated with rest, ice, compression and elevation; a more serious pull may require medical attnetion.

Top Bone Diseases

Bone diseases affect tens of millions of people in the US. Osteoporosis is the most common bone disorder.

What Are the Treatments for a Rib Muscle Injury?

A rib muscle injury can be more difficult to treat than a pulled muscle in other areas. There are [three layers of muscles](http://www.dartmouth.edu/~humananatomy/part_4/chapter_20.html) located between each rib -- the external intercostal muscles, internal intercostal muscles, and innermost intercostal muscles.

Healing a Torn Biceps Muscle Tendon

The biceps muscle tendons can tear at the shoulder or, less commonly, the elbow. Treatment depends on the location and extent of the tear, and other factors.

The Tiny Muscle That Can Be a Pain in Your Butt, Back and Knees

The tiny piriformis muscle can be a big pain in the rear end, particularly if it affects the sciatic nerve.

How to Strengthen Weak Legs

A combination of cardio, yoga and strength-training will take your legs from weak to muscular in no time.