How to Heal a Strained Bicep

A strained bicep can refer to an injury in the biceps brachii muscle at the top of the arm or the tendons that connect the muscle to the bone. Regardless of the exact location of the strain, this type of injury typically occurs from an overstretched or overworked muscle.

Pains in the Lower Back and Abdomen & Weight Loss

Pains in the lower back and abdomen -- coupled with unexplained weight loss -- can indicate an underlying medical condition, which may be serious. If you have this trio of symptoms, see your doctor promptly to rule out dangerous disease.

Hot Tubs & Back Pain

For thousands of years, in cultures as diverse as the ancient Greeks, Russians and Japanese, hot baths have been used to reduce pain, encourage blood flow and circulation, and promote relaxation. For back pain sufferers, a hot tub can be one of the few sources of relief from crippling pain, discomfort and stiffness.

What Muscles Are Affected in Shin Splints?

Shin splints are a common injury that cause pain in the lower part of the leg. They are considered an overuse injury, and the hairline fractures that occur are often due to training too hard, too fast or improperly.

Muscle Pain After the Gym

After a strenuous workout, your body may feel worse than when you started. Muscle soreness is normal, especially if you're doing an exercise that's different or more strenuous than usual. Muscle soreness usually occurs a day or two after exercising and goes away within a week.

4 Ways to Do Sports Massage for Shin Splints

Before you do sports massage for shin splints, apply a heat pack to the area. Shin splints are often caused by extremely tight muscles, and digging right in can potentially cause more harm than good.

Can I Exercise With a Bulging Disc?

A bulging disc is a flattening and spreading of one of the cushioning discs between your spinal bones or vertebrae. When a disc bulges, it protrudes beyond the space between your vertebrae and sometimes causes pain and numbness at the site of the bulge and/or in your legs and arms.

5 Things You Need to Know About Leg Cramps

Leg cramps can be a passing annoyance or a cause of severe pain. While occasional cramps are common and typically harmless, this symptom may also be a side effect of a medication or associated with an underlying condition.

What are the Problems After a Spinal Fusion of C-5 & C-6?

According to the to the Chicago Institute for Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch, the most frequently fused cervical segments are C5 and C6, and discectomy is the most common reason for this surgery.

Magnet Treatment for Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel syndrome results from any condition that narrows your carpal tunnel, which runs along the inside of your wrist in the direction of your fingers, according to The tunnel sheaths an important nerve that sends nerve signals and feeling to your fingers.

Causes of Muscle Cramps in the Calf While Walking

A cramp occurs when a muscle is forcibly and involuntarily contracted. The muscle will not relax. The calf muscle is one of the most commonly affected muscles, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Just about everyone will have a calf muscle cramp at sometime in their life.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Leg Cramps

If you've ever woken up in the middle of the night with pain and tension in your leg muscle, you know what it means to experience a leg cramp. Leg cramps are contractions that occur involuntarily in the muscles of the calf, thigh or feet.