What Are the Causes of Tingling in Left Arm?

Many conditions can cause tingling in the left arm. According to the MedlinePlus website, tingling sensations in the body, especially the extremities, may indicate a serious underlying health problem, or the tingling may be a temporary phenomenon that resolves itself over time.

What Are the Three Main Functions of the Muscular System?

The muscular system is made up of hundreds of muscles of various sizes, shapes and functions. Some muscles, such as your gluteus maximus, or butt muscle, are very big and powerful; others, such as your flexor digitorum profundus, or finger muscles, are much smaller and more dexterous.

Lower Back Pain From Push-Ups

The lower back is a fragile area of the body because of all the small bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles located there. The slightest miscalculation or wrong move can cause an injury there. Push-ups are a body weight exercise that can have cause lower back pain if done incorrectly.

What Are the Treatments for a Bone Spur in the Shoulder?

Bone spurs do not always require treatment, and you may not even know you have them. Sometimes, however, they can injure the rotator cuff tendons that move your shoulder -- causing pain, swelling, inflammation or tears in the tendons. Spurs may develop with arthritis and aging, trauma or repeated overuse of your arm.

Leg Weakness After Walking a Short Distance

The inability to walk as far and as long as you'd like to can be frustrating and even depressing. It may also be a sign your body is giving you to alert you of a health problem. Two causes of leg weakness after walking a short distance may be spinal stenosis or peripheral artery disease, especially as you age.

How Acids Affect Calcium in the Teeth & Bones

Dietary acids affect your body's buffering capability, which may cause a calcium loss from your bones to counteract the acidity. Also, stomach acids from frequent vomiting or acidic drinks will dissolve enamel and affect the calcium in your teeth. Bones can remodel and grow new bone, while teeth cannot.

Symptoms of Degenerative Bone Disease

The most common, widespread degenerative bone condition is osteoporosis, which occurs when bones become weak due to low levels of minerals. It is called the “silent” disease because no symptoms exist in early stages. This disease affects women four times more often than men.

Plantar Callus Treatment

Plantar calluses can be painful and unsightly, making daily activities such as walking difficult and uncomfortable. They can occur for many reasons--some which can benefit from the help of a doctor. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes plantar calluses to occur and how they can be remedied.

Safest Exercise for a L5-S1 Herniated Disc

Disc herniation in the L5 to S1 area can occur when excessive loads are placed on your vertebrae. It commonly presents as lower back pain with or without pain that radiates down the back of one of your legs.

Swollen Legs & Feet During a Heat Wave

For many people, summer days bring memories of barbecues, pools, beaches and lazy afternoons. But during prolonged periods of abnormally hot weather, unfortunate health problems can occur. During heat waves, many people experience excessive water retention, or heat-related edema.

Stretches for the Thoracic Spine S Curve Scoliosis

Scoliosis often creates an S-shaped curve that starts in the thoracic region of the spine. Without treatment, the spinal curves caused by scoliosis may worsen, causing pain, physical disfigurement, breathing difficulty and the need for bracing or surgery.

Exercises That Relieve Back Pain From a Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is a condition in which a disc between the vertebrae in the spine ruptures and compresses a spinal nerve. It is also commonly referred to as a slipped or ruptured disc.This can cause pain, numbness and tingling in the back or legs, depending on the location of the herniation.