Herbs That Relax Bladder Muscles
Your bladder muscle, also known as the detrusor muscle, relaxes when the bladder is storing urine, and contracts when it is expelling urine. If your bladder muscle cannot relax, you may have an overactive bladder and bladder control problems, like incontinence, which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing.
My Lower Back Always Hurts After Basketball
Basketball represents an aerobic sport that offers a variety of health benefits, including enhanced bone strength and the power to burn calories quickly, but the sudden movements and jerking motions required by basketball often result in strains that cause lower back pain.
Treatment for Muscle Kinks
Muscle kinks can happen for a number of reasons, including muscle strain, sleeping in an awkward position, exercising or weight lifting, stress, incorrect body positioning or poor posture. Though they are not as serious as muscle tears or bad strains, kinks can be painful and limit your movement and activity.
Foods That Aid With Bone Healing
Bones provide the structure of your body. They protect your organs and anchor your muscles. Weight-bearing activities and adequate calcium consumption are crucial for building strong bones and reducing the risk of osteoporosis, which can lead to bone fractures .
Why Is PH Balance Important?
The balance between acidity and alkalinity in your body is referred to as pH, or potential of hydrogen. Different factors can influence whether your blood has too much or too little acid, including food and the health of your organs to filter carbon dioxide from your body.
How to Travel With a Herniated Disc
According to MayoClinic.com, a herniated disc is most commonly experienced by middle-aged individuals. This bulging, or herniation, of the gelatinous discs between the vertebrae, can cause significant pain and weakness.
Ovarian Pain When Coughing or Stretching
Diagnosing and managing medical conditions in women suffering from lower-abdominal pain can be challenging for physicians. If you are experiencing pelvic pain when you cough or stretch, seek medical attention.
How to Stretch the Muscles in Your Foot
Wearing the wrong shoes, especially for running, can cause foot injuries such as plantar fasciitis, which is common in those just starting to work out. Ballerinas who go on pointe must stretch their feet to increase flexion in their arches.
How to Stretch Sore Biceps
Your biceps muscle is located on the front of your upper arm and runs from your elbow to your shoulder. Performing exercises that require arm flexion, where you bring your forearm toward your upper arm, requires the biceps muscle to work to produce movement.
Thoracic Spine Degeneration Symptoms
Degeneration of the thoracic spine refers to changes in the discs between vertebrae that separate and cushion the bone. The discs lose their elasticity and thickness, and while the thoracic spine is the least likely segment of the spine to suffer such changes, it does occur.
Do Inversion Tables Help With Neck Pain?
Inversion therapy, a subset of spinal decompression therapy, is becoming popular. However, if you suffer from neck pain, you should know a few things before spending your hard-earned money on an inversion table. This therapy isn't for everyone.
Causes of Lower Back Ache and Fatigue
While lumbar back ache represents one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints, lower back injuries have many different causes. Symptoms of back pain and fatigue, however, most often arise from systematic overuse of muscles.