Problems With Inversion Boots
Inversion boots, or gravity boots, are fitness gadgets that wrap around your ankles, allowing you to hang upside down from a bar. They are used in inversion therapy to apply traction to your back with the goal of decompressing the vertebrae of your spine.
How to Grow Taller Using an Inversion Table
Inversion tables allow you to safely and easily hang upside down for partial or full inversion. Partial inversion, which takes you less than 90 degrees, will decompress your spine, according to Body Flex Sports Inc. Full inversion provides maximum stretching.
Signs & Symptoms of a Tight Trapezius Muscle
The trapezius is a large muscle located on the back of your neck and shoulders. It extends from the upper neck down through the vertebrae in the middle of your back. This muscle moves the shoulder blades and supports the arms. Lack of flexibility in the traps will cause underlying problems in other areas.
Can Running Pull Rib Muscles?
Your rib cage is supported by a network of tendons and muscles that allow for the expansion and contraction of your lungs and torso movement. Running can strain muscles around the torso, particularly if your muscles are cold or you push beyond your endurance.
Exercises to Help Bend a Broken Finger
A broken finger can really put a crimp in your ability to perform daily tasks. These injuries often require several weeks of immobilization to allow the bone heal correctly. However, tendons that move your fingers and the ligaments that hold your finger bones together can become stiff. A study published in 2012 by "
How Long to Hold Stretches?
Stretching elongates your muscles, increasing your flexibility. Increased flexibility gives you a wider range of motion between your joints. Gaining this added flexibility takes time.
Diseases of Excessive Bone Growth
There are several diseases that cause excessive bone growth.
Caffeine and Muscle Cramps
Caffeine may induce muscle twitching and cramps when you consume an excess amount of it. Other factors involved in muscle cramps include hot weather, loss of fluids or nutrients in the body and your body’s condition.
Musculoskeletal Alignment in the Legs
The proper musculoskeletal alignment of the legs is extremely important for biomechanics. Muscle imbalances and poor joint functioning can lead to both acute and chronic injuries. Improper functioning of the leg mechanisms can lead to poor performance in athletics.
Why Do You Stretch After Sleeping?
Every morning when you wake up, instinct takes over, and you feel compelled to stretch out your body. Why do we do this? Aside from feeling good, it actually does help to wake you up. Stretching works to increase flexibility and range of motion in the muscles and joints.
Soleus Muscle Stretches
The soleus muscle is located on the back of your leg just above the Achilles tendon, extending up to the main calf muscle. Because it's used to generate power for pushing off the ground with the foot, it's subject to injury, overuse and fatigue if not stretched properly.
Is there an Exercise to Relieve Strained Muscles Under My Right Arm?
Exercises to relieve strained muscles under your right arm will improve the health of your axilla, otherwise known as the underarm, area underneath where your shoulder joint connects your arm. Exercises need to be done using smooth movements and no sudden jerking motions.