My Lower Back Is Tight After Deadlifts
The deadlift is an advanced weightlifting technique to improve both upper- and lower-body strength. A tight lower back after deadlifts can occur for several reasons, and not all of them are beneficial. Learn how to assess your lower back tightness after deadlifts to improve performance and prevent further injury.
My Child Is Complaining of Pain in His Legs
Leg pain in children often prompts a visit to the doctor. Pain in the leg can arise from multiple causes, ranging from mild, temporary conditions to serious medical disorders. As a parent or caregiver, you need to know when to be concerned about a child’s leg pain.
Nutrition for Shin Splints
Shin splints is the term used to describe pain that manifests in the front of your lower legs or shins. MedlinePlus states that if you have shin splints, your pain is concentrated along the inside edge of your tibi — the bigger of the two bones in your lower leg.
Exercises for Pulled Groin Muscles
A groin muscle pull – also known as a strain or over-stretch – can be one of the more painful and debilitating muscle injuries you can sustain. You're constantly using your groin muscles to walk, change directions, sit, stand and perform many other movements.
Causes of Sharp Pain in the Back of the Heel
Heel pain may be a common complaint, but it should not be ignored. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, most heel pain will resolve on its own, if given enough rest. Most posterior heel pain, or pain in the back of the heel, is the result of overuse, over training and improper footwear.
4 Ways to Treat Lower Back Pain From Rowing
Rowing is very hard on the back. More lower back injuries are reported from rowing than other body part. Upper arm kinks are nothing compared to a lower back strain. In order to protect your back, you need to learn and follow proper rowing form.
How to Lose Weight With Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a painful condition in which the spinal canal in the lower back narrows, pinching the spinal cord and its surrounding nerves. This can cause difficulty walking or standing up straight, numbness or tingling in the areas below the pinch, and, in extreme cases, weakness in the legs.
Numbness in Feet and Calves While Running
If you're new to running, have bumped up your mileage or running intensity, changed surfaces or train in shoes that have lost their cushioning, various leg aches and pains are almost inevitable. But soreness and injury aren't the only things that can hold your running back.
What Are the Treatments for Muscle Pain After a Tetanus Shot?
Being exposed to certain bacteria when a cut or wound occurs can cause a disease called tetanus, or lockjaw. This disease leads to all over muscle pain and tightness, locking of the jaw that inhibits the ability to open the mouth and swallow and, in some cases, death. Tetanus shots can help to prevent this disease.
Cramps in the Calf Muscle While Bicycling
The exact cause of calf muscle cramps is still not certain, but several factors appear to trigger cramping. For example, if you're dehydrated, lack some crucial body salts, push yourself too hard or are simply a little older, you're more likely to suffer from a calf cramp.
Arm Tendon, Muscle Pain & Sprain From Lifting Weights
Improper weightlifting technique can cause soft tissue injuries of the arm. Common injuries include ligament sprains, muscle and tendon strains and tendonitis. Although pain is a common symptom of these injuries, inflammation and loss of function may also occur.
Leg, Arm & Back Cramps in Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman’s life. However, being pregnant also means that your body will undergo some dramatic changes. Cramps are one of the many unpleasant physical symptoms commonly associated with pregnancy.