How Hanging Upside Down Affects the Body

Many people are drawn to the idea of hanging upside down to relieve back pain or improve posture, which it can. Always, however, ease into hanging upside down. Use an inversion table, which allows you to control the degree to which you invert.

Diseases of the Tail Bone

There are numerous diseases that affect the tailbone. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health or NIH, the tailbone, also known as the coccyx, is a small bone located under the sacrum at the bottom of the spine.

How to Relax Tense Neck Muscles

Tense neck muscles can cause pain in your neck and up into the back of your head. Many of your neck muscles insert into your upper back and shoulders, so you may experience pain in those areas, as well. Tense neck muscles also cause stiffness, which affects your neck's range of motion and mobility.

Can Wearing Copper Improve Your Health or Is It a Hoax?

According to various claims, wearing copper can provide a wealth of benefits — including easing arthritic soreness, preventing athlete’s foot and much more.

Are There Supplements to Relax Tight Muscles?

Are tight and sore muscles keeping you from increasing your workout intensity, or, worse, sidelining you? After heavy exercise, it is important to replace lost fluids and minerals. Along with strenuous activity and overuse, other causes include poor posture, dietary deficiencies, and certain disorders.

4 Ways to Interpret Numbness in the Tips of the Fingers

One of the most common reasons for fingertip, hand and wrist numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal tunnel runs through the center of the wrist, housing the median nerve that innervates the hands.

How to Stretch the Serratus Anterior

The serratus anterior muscle is located toward the top and side of your rib cage. This finger-like muscle stabilizes the scapula and assists in elevating your arm. The serratus anterior also helps lift the ribs to assist in respiration.

5 Way to Diagnose Slipping Rib Syndrome

Slipping rib syndrome, which may also be known as Tietze's syndrome, is considered to be somewhat uncommon. It occurs when the ligaments that hold the ribs in place become weak. This weakness may cause the ribs to slip out of place.

Common Diseases of the Muscular & Skeletal System

The muscular and skeletal system of the body consists of the bones, along with the muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, cartilage and connective tissues. The main function of the musculoskeletal system is to provide the body with support. Without bones, the body would be a heap of tissue, flexibility and movement.

Foods for Tendons

Tendons are the connections between bone and muscle. Tendons are composed of dense fibrous connective tissues, have limited blood supply and are under almost constant tension from use. These properties make it hard for the body to repair tendons when there is a tear, strain, sprain or other damage.

Causes of Lower Leg Muscles Pain

Lower leg muscle pain can arise with a variety of abnormalities and conditions. The causes commonly involve the muscle tissue itself or the blood vessels and other structures associated with the muscles. Many causes of lower leg muscle pain are temporary and quickly resolve with home treatment.

Vastus Lateralis & Muscle Strain

The vastus lateralis is one of four muscles that make up the quadriceps. These muscles work together to extend the knee. The vastus lateralis is located above the knee joint, toward the outer edge of the leg. It lies beneath the iliotibial tract, which is a band of fascia that runs vertically along the outer thigh.