What Is a Bone Bruise?
Despite the name making it sound like a simple bruise, a bone bruise is a lot more painful and the pain lasts longer than the giant swelling of a bruise on the skin or in the muscle.
Signs of a Pulled Chest Muscle
Soreness, localized swelling or bruising, decreased mobility and muscle spasms are signs of a pulled chest muscle.
How to Heal a Pulled Shoulder Muscle
After a shoulder pull, ice the shoulder, wrap it in an athletic bandage and rest until the pain has subsided.
How to Tell Between a Sprained Ankle and a Broken Ankle
Sprained and broken ankles are both painful and generally occur after similar types of injuries. Telling the difference between a sprained and broken ankle is not always easy, especially when a sprain is severe.
Causes of Pain in the Back Below the Right Shoulder Blade
Pain below the right shoulder blade has many potential causes, ranging from muscle strain to infections, fractures and tumors.
Symptoms of Torn Cartilage in the Ribs
Pain is the predominant symptom of torn cartilage in the ribs. Seek medical attention if you suspect a torn rib cartilage, as there may be additional damage to your rib cage or organs within your chest cavity.
5 Things You Need to Know About Bone Spurs in the Toes
Bone spurs in the toes are quite common, but they often cause no symptoms so many people don't even know they have them. Sometimes toe bone spurs produce pain or stiffness and interfere with walking or wearing shoes.
The Best Stretches for Sacroiliac Pain
Stretched ligaments and muscles, and pressure on your spinal nerve can cause pain in this region. Stretching to relieve this pain can help you reduce inflammation and improve reduced range of motion.
Heat or Cold for Neck & Shoulder Pain?
Heat and cold can both be effective treatments for neck and shoulder pain. In general, ice is used immediately after an injury, while heat is more appropriate 2 to 3 days or longer after an injury.
Causes of Swollen Lower Legs and Feet
Swelling of both feet and legs can occur with a wide array of conditions and diseases, some harmless and others serious.
The New Secrets of Abs Training
Are you tired of endless crunches, leg lifts and side bends? That's a good thing! Those exercises are far more likely to cause back pain than carve a solid core.
Is There a Specific Diet to Help Heal a Broken Femur
The femur is the largest and strongest bone in the human body located in the thigh. When you suffer from a femur fracture, your diet is critical for optimal healing time.