Tennis Ball Stretch for Plantar Fasciitis
The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that stretches from the heel bone to the toes and creates the arch of the foot.
Why Is Phosphoric Acid Bad for You?
The market for carbonated soft drinks, diet and nondiet, was worth nearly $73 billion in the United States in 2008, according to “Beverage Digest.” Many of these beverages contain phosphoric acid, a substance that has a possible link to several health problems.
Exercise Therapy for Severe Degenerative Disc Disease L5-S1
Degenerative disc disease (DDD) can be a confusing diagnosis, says Dr. Peter Ullrich, Jr., at Not truly a disease or necessarily progressive in nature, DDD, is a degenerative process that affects the discs between your spinal vertebrae.
Comparison of the Teeter Hang Ups F5000, F7000 and F9000 Inversion Tables
Inversion tables are tools used for inversion therapy. You hang upside down or lie inverted on a table to increase the space between your vertebrae. Theoretically, this reduces the stress on your intervertebral discs, relieving back pain.
Can Inversion Tables Help Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a physical defect in the spine that causes it to curve from side to side, making it appear like it forms an S- or C-shape rather than a straight line when a person is viewed from behind.
Does Muscle Scar Tissue Cause Pain During Exercise?
Muscle scar tissue usually forms after an injury. The scar tissue that forms doesn't function as optimally as the old tissue did, and therefore can cause pain. While muscle scar tissue can be painful, it may not always be apparent while you are exercising, unless the scar tissue is being stretched.
Signs of a Bone Spur in Elbow
Bone spurs, or osteophytes, can form in the spine or in any joint. They usually form at the end of the bone. They can exist without causing any symptoms at all. Bone spurs themselves are not painful, but they can rub against or put pressure on surrounding tissue or nerves.
How Much Magnesium Helps Relieve Leg Cramps?
While many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet, it’s uncommon to suffer from a true deficiency in magnesium — also known as hypomagnesemia. This isn’t to say that this condition doesn’t occur, but it’s rare.
What Are the Causes of Back Pain When Working on the Computer?
Your spinal column consists of bones called vertebrae that protect the bundle of nerves called the spinal cord. Separated by gelatinous cushions called discs, the vertebrae stretch from the cervical or neck region to the base of your spine, called the lumbar area.
Pain in the Lower Back, Hips & Legs
A herniated disk, enlarged facet joint, spinal stenosis or piriformis syndrome can cause sciatica. Sciatica describes the pain caused by a compressed sciatic nerve. Compression of the sciatic nerve may result in a burning, shooting or aching pain in your lower back, legs and hip.
How to Stop Leg Cramps When Playing Football
Muscle cramps are the result of low sodium levels in your body, and several factors can influence the development. The type of fluids you consume prior to and during exercise is important, and heat can also affect your body's internal health.
My Left Cheek Is Numb Sometimes
When you have trouble feeling areas of your face, it can be scary to know when and if you will get any type of feeling back. Occasional facial numbness is generally not a concern.