Nutritional Value of Romaine vs. Iceberg Lettuce
Varying in color, size, texture, shape and taste, the leaves of iceberg and romaine lettuce also have differences in nutritional value, offering a range of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Side Effects of Spinach
Spinach is loaded with nutrients. Eating 1/2 cup cooked spinach adds 190 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin A to your diet. You'll also get 20 percent of your daily value of iron from 1/2 cup cooked spinach. However, spinach can cause some unpleasant side effects if you eat it in large quantities.
Are Mussels Healthy?
Mussels, a type of clam whose flesh has a mild, salty flavor, make for a decadent yet healthful addition to your diet. They're versatile in the kitchen, and they work well in salads, soups or as a topping for pasta.
Nutritional Content of Boiled Chicken
You can prepare chicken in a number of ways. Chicken tastes good roasted, fried and stewed, and is often boiled to make chicken soup. Boiling chicken adds no fat to the meat; it adds no flavor, either, if the chicken is boiled in water.
Nutrition Facts for 8 Ounces of Filet Mignon
Filet mignon, which comes from a tenderloin steak, is a tender cut of beef that is generally pricier than other steaks. Beef is a good source of many nutrients that support your overall health, making it a reasonable addition to a well-balanced diet.
Danger in Eating Too Much Canned Tuna
Although tuna is an excellent source of dietary protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, iron and B vitamins, eating too much canned tuna may pose health risks, especially for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and young children.
Is Yogurt Healthier Than Milk?
Both yogurt and milk are dairy products made from cow's milk. You can find several varieties of milk and yogurt that differ in the fat percentage, sugar content and added vitamins.
Health Benefits of Muscadine Grapes
When you pop into your local market for some grapes, you’re far more likely to head home with the green or red seedless variety than with a bunch of muscadines.
Oatmeal in a Protein Shake
Protein shakes are a convenient pre- or post-workout meal. Most homemade versions combine fruit, milk and protein powder to create an on-the-go dose of protein and carbohydrates. Adding oatmeal to your shake increases the fiber content and makes the shake more filling.
What Are the Dangers of Eating too Many Mushrooms?
Provided you do not consume toxic varieties that you harvested yourself, mushrooms are generally safe for consumption. They offer vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to your diet.
The 5 Best Preworkout Supplements and 4 to Avoid
What you consume before a hard lifting session or endurance workout can aide in muscle recovery and growth. Read on to find out which pre-workout supplements are worth the hype (and which aren't).
FDA Passes Sweet New Sugar Law Aimed to Help Consumers
A law passed by the FDA will require food manufacturers to add a breakdown of “added sugars” and “total sugar” to all pre-packaged food at supermarkets. The new law will go into effect on January 1, 2020.