Strawberry Banana Smoothie Nutrition
Strawberry banana smoothies are a cold, sweet beverage typically made by blending together strawberries, bananas, plain or vanilla-flavored low-fat yogurt and ice cubes. Recipes for this treat vary, however, and sometimes include milk or heavy cream and other ingredients.
Nutritional Facts for an 8-Ounce Steak
For some people, nothing beats a juicy and tender grilled steak. Many dieters prefer to shy away from red meat, however, because of studies showing an association with colorectal cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Nutritional Value of Green Curry Chicken
Eat at an Indian or Thai restaurant, and you might find green curry chicken on the menu. This dish combines chunks of chicken and aromatic vegetables with a broth of coconut milk, chicken stock and green curry paste.
Is Crab Meat Healthy?
Plain steamed crab meat is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. For a minimal amount of calories, you get lots of protein, a multitude of minerals and several B vitamins. You may want to select certain types of crab or keep your serving size small if you are at risk of developing heart disease, though.
Nutrition of Peanuts vs. Almonds
The nuts you buy may sport a health claim approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration which notes that eating 1.5 ounces of nuts daily may reduce your risk of heart disease.
Pomegranate Nutrition Facts
Although the pomegranate is frequently overlooked as a go-to fruit because it's pricey and difficult to eat, it has an expansive list of health benefits, from increasing blood flow to decreasing rates of prostate cancer. It also boasts a powerful combination of antioxidants.
Is Granola Cereal Good for You?
On the surface, granola doesn't seem so bad. The primary ingredient, whole-grain oats, packs a big fiber punch and supports digestive health. Nuts and seeds provide a heart-healthy source of dietary fats, and dried fruits add natural sugar to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Nutritional Value of Boiled Eggs vs. Scrambled
The nutrients in hard-boiled eggs are easy to calculate, compared to scrambled eggs. With scrambled eggs, the amount and type of fat used and the addition of high-fat cheese or meat changes the nutritional profile. Begin with the basic information for one hard-boiled egg versus a scrambled egg.
A List of Starchy Vegetables and Foods
Starches are complex carbohydrates that produce vital energy when your body converts them to glucose during digestion. The starches in peas, corn, whole grains and potatoes provide fuel for your muscles, brain and other vital organs.
Is Glucerna Good for People Who Are Not Diabetic?
Glucerna products are dietary supplements from Abbott Nutrition, and choices include cereals and meal and snack shakes and bars. They are designed for individuals with diabetes, but they may be good for you even if you do not have diabetes.
Can You Mix Creatine With Whey Protein?
Creatine is an acid produced within your body, while whey protein is a protein that supplies amino acids for your body to use as needed. Both are helpful for recovering from workouts, and both provide noticeable benefits.
Why Are Chips Bad for You?
Potato chips were invented in 1853 by exasperated chef George Crum, according to the BBC. When a customer complained that Crum's french fries were too thick, he took his revenge by cutting the potatoes so thin that they could no longer be cut with a fork after frying.