Can Iron Supplements Make You Feel Dizzy?

Iron is an essential nutrient that your body needs to make blood cells and proteins. Your doctor may prescribe iron supplements if you have iron-deficiency anemia caused by lack of dietary iron, blood loss or chronic disease.

Side Effects of Eating Too Much Papaya

The sweet, juicy orange flesh of the papaya is packed with nutrients, making the tropical fruit an ideal snack anytime. A medium-sized papaya contains approximately 120 calories, 20 percent of the daily value for fiber and more than three times the vitamin C you need each day.

Side Effects of Drinking V8 Juice

The V8 brand of vegetable beverages includes a variety of products, including vegetable juices, veggie blends, fusion and energy drinks, and infused waters. V8 beverages are promoted as a way to help consumers increase their consumption of vegetables.

Gout Diet With Fish

Gout sufferers need to avoid foods high in purines -- naturally occurring compounds that your body metabolizes into uric acid. When your blood has too high a concentration of uric acid, it can accumulate in your joints, causing the swelling, inflammation and pain characteristic of gout.

Three-Day Diet Menu Before Surgery

Surgery heals and saves lives, but it is not without risks. Something as basic as your diet prior to surgery can affect the outcome. Your doctor and anesthesiologist will provide you with a preoperative food guide, which you'll want to follow to avoid complications such as aspirating stomach contents into your lungs.

How to Lower Iron Levels With Food

Although iron is an essential mineral required for your body to function properly, too much iron in the body can be dangerous. People with hemochromatosis -- a condition that occurs when too much iron builds up in the body -- often need to limit their dietary iron intake to help prevent iron toxicity.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Raw Potatoes?

Munching on a raw potato isn't as common as enjoying a baked potato, but nutrient content is similar. Raw potatoes contain more of some vitamins and minerals, but many are located in the skin, which isn't always eaten when consuming potatoes without cooking them.

Is Red Rice Healthy?

If you are looking for an alternative to your usual brown rice, consider trying red rice. This russet-colored whole grain has a nutty flavor and soft texture, and goes well with most meats and vegetables or served as a pilaf or salad. Like brown rice, red rice is a good source of fiber.

Foods to Lower Triglycerides

Diet and lifestyle changes are the first line of defense when it comes to high triglycerides -- a type of fat carried in the blood that when elevated over time increases the risk of heart disease. The majority of the fats in your diet are in the form of triglycerides.

Is Dried Seaweed Good for You?

Dried seaweed is good for you when eaten in moderation — it contains many vitamins and minerals, but is quite high in sodium and iodine.

Signs and Symptoms of Severe Iron Deficiency and Anemia

Iron is an essential mineral your body needs to produce energy, store oxygen and maintain other vital body functions. When you are deficient in iron, your body cannot make enough red blood cells and you become anemic.

Is Cream of Wheat Healthy?

Made by cooking ground wheat grains in water until they form a porridge, cream of wheat makes for a healthful breakfast that's both adaptable and affordable.