Why You Should Eat Raw Broccoli
Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, along with cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage. Eating broccoli has many potential health benefits that have been established by the scientific community, as well as some that are still under investigation.
What Are the Health Benefits of Rice Noodles?
Made from white rice flour, rice noodles are most commonly sold dried, although you can often find fresh ones in Asian grocery stores. Versatile, rice noodles can be stir-fried, used in soups, or even deep-fried to make a garnish; the noodles will puff up and become very crispy when deep-fried.
A Healthy Meal Plan for Dancers
Dance revolves around significant technical, physical and aesthetic components. Because dancers are continually required to perform at the top of their abilities, proper nutrition and fueling of the body is essential. Dancers need to consume diets adequate in calories to support the demands placed on the body.
Burger King's Veggie Burger Nutrition Facts
Burger King is a fast-food hamburger restaurant chain that also has a breakfast menu. It has salads, chicken sandwiches and hamburgers. It also has a veggie burger as a vegetarian option.
How to Cleanse Your Body Before Dieting
To cleanse your body before dieting, consider changing your nutrition and lifestyle to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body. This can help jump-start a diet because the build-up of toxins in the body can actually slow down or inhibit fat burning.
Nutrition Information for Seagram's Wine Coolers
Seagram's Escapes, a type of wine cooler, is a division of North American Breweries, headquartered in Rochester, NY. Along with Seagram's Escape Wine Coolers, they also distribute a number of different beers, including Genessee, Labatt and I.P.A. Magic Hat.
Collagen Rich Foods
Collagen is a naturally occurring fibrous protein that is important in maintaining the health and vitality of connective tissue. Collagen is found in virtually all body organs, including the bones, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage.
Nutritional Value of Stuffed Green Olives
If you've eaten a stuffed green olive from an antipasto tray or off the toothpick in your martini, it's likely you had a Spanish Manzanilla olive. The most abundant variety of green olive in the world, Spanish Manzanillas have a sharp, salty flavor.
Can You Drink a Protein Shake When You Don't Work Out?
Don't think that protein shakes are the exclusive domain of athletes. A shake makes a quick and convenient meal for many people on the go -- even those not dashing from the gym. Before you develop a serious protein shake habit, however, consider whether it's the best choice for your weight and nutrient needs.
Side Effects of Intravenous Iron
As a transition metal, iron has a dual personality. Iron is an essential nutrient -- good -- or it can be a dangerous toxin -- bad. Intravenous iron, or IVI, is recommended when someone has iron deficiency anemia and cannot get enough iron from her diet or iron supplements.
Low Iron & Muscle Aches
Iron deficiency is one of the most common dietary mineral deficiencies in the world, according to the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library. The best sources of iron are animal products, which contain heme iron. Plant sources contain non-heme iron, which is more difficult for your body to absorb.
Foods to Eliminate Body Odor
An intense body odor is a problem that isn't often discussed, but is one that should be. You may unknowingly offend others; if you're aware of your own body odor, you may feel self-conscious. Take measures to combat body odor with diet and lifestyle habits.