How Long Does It Take to See Results if You Eat Healthy?

Reading the information available about the importance of healthy eating clearly illustrates the benefits and importance of a nutritious diet. You are convinced that a diet cleanup is in order, and in theory, it sounds great -- until you realize that many of your favorite foods are now off the table.

Drinks High in Potassium

The mineral potassium is needed in your body to maintain proper heart function and fluid balance. It also plays a part in muscle contraction, regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy bones. According to the Institute of Medicine, adult men and women need at least 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily.

Can Vegetables Cause Constipation?

Vegetables make up an important part of a healthy diet, with a recommended intake of 2 to 3 cups per day for all adults. One of the primary health benefits of vegetables is their high, natural dietary fiber content.

Pros & Cons of a Vegetarian Diet

Nearly 5 million Americans, or more than 2 percent of the population, follow some form of a vegetarian diet. Although you might miss eating meat when you start a vegetarian diet, the benefits of vegetarianism can outweigh the disadvantages.

How to Speed up the Digestion of Food

While there is not much you can do about the way your body digests foods, you are able to improve the speed and even quality of your digestive process. Faster digestion means you will feel lighter sooner, be less sluggish and lower your chances of suffering from heartburn and indigestion.

What Foods to Eat During a Bowel Obstruction

Making smart choices when it comes to your diet can be difficult. This process can become even more challenging when certain chronic and acute health conditions -- such as bowel obstructions -- occur. Individuals who have been diagnosed with a bowel obstruction will need to make significant changes to their diet.

Nutrition in Cashews vs. Almonds

You may see the health claim approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which states that eating 1.5 ounces of nuts per day as part of a healthy diet may reduce your risk of heart disease. Almonds and cashews both contain heart-healthy unsaturated fats, but almonds have a better fat profile.

What Are You Missing From a Diet if You Crave Baby Powder?

Baby powder is often used to treat diaper rash, as a deodorant and in cosmetic products. It is an astringent powder, typically consisting of either talcum or, in recent years, cornstarch. Pregnant women sometimes experience symptoms of pica, a condition that causes cravings for non-food items.

Are Beans Good for Weight Loss?

Beans are a welcome addition to weight-loss meal plans because they are packed with essential nutrients and help keep you feeling full for long periods of time.

The Foods and Juices That Will Help Flush the Kidneys

Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste from your system, so keeping them healthy -- by eating a balanced, nutritious diet -- will keep the rest of your body functioning well as wastes are properly eliminated.

A List of Foods to Avoid Eating With Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis occurs as a result of diverticula in the digestive tract becoming infected and inflamed or as a result of a small tear in a diverticulum. The goal of a diverticulitis diet is to allow bowel rest to promote healing.

Can You Eat Too Many Fruits & Vegetables?

When it comes to food, there are some cases when too much of a good thing can be harmful. Take ice cream sundaes, for example, or deep-fried cheese curds. You might even overdo it by eating too many fruits and vegetables, but you would have to consume a large quantity to see a detrimental effect on the body.