What Are the Benefits of Carrot, Orange & Beet Juice?

Fruit and vegetable juices such as orange, beet and carrot juice are nutritious beverages that contain vitamins and other health-promoting nutrients, usually made by squeezing or macerating fruit or vegetable flesh. In some types, juice is filtered to clear it, removing pulp but lowering its content of healthy fiber.

Why Are You Hungry All the Time Since You Have Been Lifting Weights?

You are hungry because of the increased metabolic demands of resistance training. You are breaking down muscles in the gym, depleting them of sugar, or glycogen, and burning calories. Resistance training can burn many calories, and the increases in caloric demand do not stop when you leave the gym.

Nuts That Are Rich in Uric Acid

Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down substances in food called purines. Normally, the body is able to effectively process and eliminate uric acid. But sometimes uric acid builds up, or the kidneys are not able to get rid of enough uric acid, which results in excess blood levels.

Gas & Bloating in a Low-Carb Diet

You're losing weight on your low-carb diet, but maybe you're not feeling so great. What you're eating or not eating on your weight-loss plan may be the reason for your discomfort. If you're feeling gassy and bloated on your low-carb diet, it may be due to a lack of fiber or eating too many salty foods.

The Dangers of ZMA

ZMA is a vitamin and mineral supplement used by body builders and other athletes. It contains zinc aspartate, magnesium aspartate and usually vitamin B-6. It is a product by Victor Conte, founder of BALCO Laboratories in Burlingame, California.

A Salmon Allergy

Fish allergies are some of the most common food allergies in adults, and salmon rates as one of the most highly allergenic species of fish. An allergic reaction to salmon may indicate individual sensitivity to other or all kinds of fish and shellfish.

Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Milk

Although most commonly thought of as a non-alcoholic nightcap and natural sleep aid, warm milk offers health benefits no matter when you drink it.

Types of Diets in Hospitals

Doctors prescribe a variety of diets for patients in a hospital setting, ranging from a normal diet to nothing by mouth for a designated amount of time. The type of diet depends on the patient’s needs and restrictions, according to Susan G. Dudek in “Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice.

Wasabi Peas Nutritional Information

Wasabi peas are a crunchy snack made with dehydrated peas and wasabi seasoning. Of course, this description sounds fairly boring when you consider that wasabi peas are actually both salty and spicy -- and bursting with bold flavor.

What Can a Diabetic Eat at McDonald's?

The average fast food meal provides as many as 1,000 calories, according to the American Diabetes Association. Because diabetics need to limit their intake of calories, fat and sugar to control their blood sugar levels, eating at McDonald's may prove challenging.

Diet to Raise a Chemo Patient's Blood Count

During chemotherapy, your total blood count may drop as a side effect of treatment. Anemia, or a significantly decreased number of red blood cells, can be alleviated by following a balanced diet that emphasizes protein and certain vitamins and minerals.

Potassium in Coconut Water

Coconut water, also referred to as coconut juice, contains vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. It is fat-free and naturally sweet. Coconut water comes from the young, green coconut.