Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 18: Foam Rolling and Stretching for Muscle Soreness

Got achy, post-workout muscles? You're not alone! Here's how to deal with the dreaded delayed-onset muscle soreness with foam rolling and stretching.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 16: Keep Your Energy Up All Day

There's more to your energy levels than sleep. Take a look at these tips to see how your diet, stress levels and surroundings may be affecting your energy.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 15: How to Deal With Unhealthy Food Cravings

If you have a craving, it doesn't always mean you're hungry. Here are some tips on how to avoid unhealth cravings and get lean.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 14: Overcome Any Weight-Loss Plateau

Weight-loss plateaus are a natural part of any weight-loss effort, but they can also be frustrating. Here's what to do when you encounter one.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 13: Yes, Sleep CAN Help You Eat Healthier

Sleep: We all want more of it. But did you know that getting more shut-eye can also help you on your health and fitness journey? Here's how.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 12: Time to Measure Your Progress!

Tracking your progress as you work toward your health and fitness goals is an essential part of staying motivated. So let's check in on how you're doing so far!

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 10: A Guide to Eating Healthy at Restaurants

Eating out at restaurants doesn't have to derail your healthy eating habits. Here's how to enjoy a night out with friends without any guilt the next day.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 8: How Friendship Helps You Reach Your Goals

We've got your back! The LIVESTRONG.COM community is your personal army of supporters, helping motivate you toward your health, fitness and weight-loss goals.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 7: Benefits of Mindfulness (Even If You Hate Meditating)

You’re moving full steam ahead on your fitness journey. But let's slow it down. Even if you're not a fan of meditation, here's how you can get the benefits.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 6: Why Strong Is the New Sexy

It’s time to choose a workout weapon for your arsenal and get ready for battle! No matter your fitness level, try adding strength training into your routine.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 5: Here's Your Excuse to Take a Rest Day (Yay!)

Welcome to day 5 of LIVESTRONG.COM's 30-Day Get Strong in 2019 Challenge. You've been working hard, but even champions know when it's time to take a break.

Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 4: Meal Prep Your Way to Success

Short on time but still want to eat healthy? Meal prepping is the answer. Here's how you can make a few day's (or even a week's) worth of food for you and your family.