Do Whey Protein Powders Cause Gas & Constipation?
High-quality whey protein supports muscle growth. But if you experience protein farts and constipation after you drink your shake, it could be the whey.
Five Stages of Protein Digestion
The digestion of protein requires five steps, each in a specific location. Foods take a similar path regardless of the cooking temperature and portion size.
Side Effects of Boost High Protein Drinks
The protein content in Boost high protein drinks is beneficial for certain people, but taking it in excess for extended periods comes with side effects
What Are the Functions of Protein in the Human Body?
Your body uses many different types of proteins for metabolism, including maintaining your bones and muscles, supporting your immune system and providing energy.
Are Bacon & Eggs a Healthy Breakfast?
Starting each day with a protein-rich breakfast can help you stay full longer. Offset the calories in bacon and eggs by eating lighter for the rest of the day.
Vitamins for Acid Reflux
Diet, lifestyle changes and medication are the primary methods of treatment for acid reflux. But certain vitamins may prevent your acid reflux from worsening.
Vitamin B Complex Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin B deficiency in certain components of B-complex can cause mild to severe symptoms, including dermatitis, cognitive impairment, depression and anemia.
Diet for Double Chin
Whether it's caused by genetics, weight gain or simple aging, no amount of chin exercises or fad dieting will remove a double chin.
Nutrition Facts for Glutinous Rice
The nutritional value of white rice, including glutinous rice, is lower than whole-grain and has a high glycemic index score. Eat it only occasionally.
One Gram of Carbohydrates Has How Many Calories?
Carbohydrates and protein provide 4 calories of energy per gram, while there are 9 calories per gram of fat. Choose healthy carbs, such as fruits and vegetables.
The Best Candies for Weight Loss
Sugar adds empty calories to a diet, making it hard to meet calorie goals for weight loss. If you've gotta have it, choose low-calorie candy or dark chocolate.
List of Foods & Their Nutritional Value
Knowing about food groups and nutritional value of food items makes it easier to eat a balanced diet that protects against disease and improves heart health.