Early Signs of the Flu

Each year the flu virus affects Americans with symptoms ranging from fever, chills, muscle aches, cough and headache. Because the earlier you treat the flu, the sooner you can begin to improve, it is important to recognize the early signs of the flu.

Influenza Virus Characteristics

The influenza virus, conversationally called the flu, is an illness that's highly contagious and causes a number of different symptoms. There are many different types, or strains, of the influenza virus.

Complications of Influenza B

Influenza B is a viral infection that attacks parts of the respiratory system such as the nose, throat and lungs, according to MayoClinic.com. There are three types of influenza viruses: A, B and C.

Signs & Symptoms of Type A Influenza

Influenza, or the the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by an airborne virus. Here are influenza A symptoms to look out for.

Blood Type O and Wine

Although proponents of the blood type diet say type O individuals will be healthier, leaner and more energetic by following the type O guidelines, health professionals criticize the plan for not being grounded in scientific evidence.

Advantages & Disadvantages of the Blood Type Diet

The key to weight loss and better health is not a low-fat plan that includes a wide variety of produce, whole grains, calcium-rich foods and lean protein, argues naturopath Peter J. D'Adamo.

How to Help an O Blood Type Lose Weight

The blood-type diet is based on the idea that your blood type plays an important role in how your body absorbs nutrients and handles stress, as well as how susceptible you are to illness.

Diet for Blood Type A Positive

Based on this theory, each type -- A, B, AB or O blood types -- operates best on a different diet. Research to support the blood type theory is lacking, however.

Low-Glycemic Indian Foods

Many staple foods of the Indian diet are high glycemic, and like other Americans, Indian Americans are at risk of type 2 diabetes.

A Balanced Indian Diet

A healthy and balanced Indian diet is one that includes a variety of foods from all the food groups.

10 Ways to Eat Healthy at Indian Restaurants

Like other ethnic cuisines, Indian food can be heavy on the calories if you don’t order wisely. Learn more about the basics of this cuisine to pick an Indian restaurant dish that won’t destroy your diet.

Indian Vegetarian Foods That Can Lower Blood Pressure

Indian is considered one of the healthier cuisines. If you're trying to improve your blood pressure by eating healthier Indian vegetarian foods, there are plenty of options.