The Best Method to Increase Vitamin B12 Levels

Many people have vitamin B-12 deficiency. Animal products offer you the best way to get this vitamin. Fortified foods and supplements give you another option.

What Are the Causes of Brittle Fingernails That Crack & Split?

Brittle nails can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies, thyroid problems and underlying illnesses. Household cleaners and harsh soaps can affect your nails too.

Differences Between Tart Cherry and Black Cherry Juice

Whether it's made from tart or black cherries, the health benefits of cherry juice include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and nutritional content.

The Best Vitamins for a Night Shift Worker to Take

Vitamins for the graveyard shift can help prevent deficiencies and fill gaps in your diet. Vitamin D is the main vitamin night shift workers are deficient in.

How to Gain Weight by Eating Oatmeal & Drinking Milk

Making healthy foods like oatmeal and milk part of your meal plan as you gain weight ensures you're getting lots of nutritional value with your extra calories.

Dietary Remedies for Spleen Qi Deficiency

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spleen qi deficiency refers to your body's inability to obtain qi, or life energy, from food. A healthy balanced diet is recommended.

Can You Take Multivitamins With B-Complex Vitamins?

When trying to take advantage of the health benefits of vitamin B, more isn't always better. Although risk of an overdose is minimal, there can be side effects.

What's the Best Juice for Colds?

No one special juice is going to cure your cold. But drinking juice high in vitamin C, such as orange or tomato juice, may help decrease the duration of your cold.

Can Calcium Be Absorbed Without Magnesium?

Your body can absorb calcium without magnesium. But these two minerals work together in your body to maintain fluid balance and transmit messages between nerves and muscles.

What Fruits Are Good for Women Trying to Get Pregnant?

Fruit makes a healthy choice when you're trying to conceive. Nutrients found in fruit, such as vitamin C, zinc and folate, may help to improve your fertility.

10 Foods That Can Raise Sperm Count

Antioxidants can raise sperm count to improve fertility. Foods that increase sperm count are high in vitamins C, B12 and E; folate; zinc; selenium; and CoQ10.

Black Olives Nutritional Value

Black olives are a good source of monounsaturated fats, but they're also high in sodium, too much of which can raise blood pressure.