What Percentage of My Diet Should Be Protein, Carbohydrates & Fat?
The recommended daily allowance, or RDA, of fat, protein and carbohydrates is a percentage based on the amount of calories you eat to ensure you're eating the right balance of macronutrients.
Why Might Vitamins Make You Hungry?
Vitamin supplements shouldn't increase your appetite. However, if you notice an increase in your hunger after you start taking vitamins it may due to another cause.
Lavender Oil & Pregnancy
Lavender oil is known for its ability to induce a feeling of calm. Consult with your doctor before adding lavender essential oil to your pregnancy routine.
Healthy Eating Plan for a 16-Year-Old
Growing teens need tons of nutrients. Good diets for teenage boys and girls should include whole grains, healthy fats and plenty of protein and fiber.
What Essential Oils to Use for Cracked Heels
Essential oils offer a number of health benefits, including soothing cracked heels. For foot health, try lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint or lemon oil.
Food List for the 21-Day Daniel Fast
The 21 day Daniel Fast has a list of foods you should stick to. The Daniel Diet food list will help you be successful in your approach to this fast.
Vitamin E Oil & Surgical Scars
Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble oil that helps your body fight against free radicals. But as a topical agent it, may not reduce surgical scarring.
Benefits of Soaking Feet in Epsom Salt
Need relief from a long run or prolonged periods of standing? Here's how Epsom salt can help your aching heels.
Vitamin Deficiency & Skin Pigmentation Loss
Vitamin deficiencies can cause a variety of symptoms. If you're deficient in vitamin C, folate or vitamin B12, it may affect the coloring in your skin.
The Daniel Fast: Foods You Can and Can't Eat
Are you thinking about starting the Daniel Fast? Find out the foods that are allowed and those you shouldn't be eating on this plant based 21-day eating plan.
What Happens if You Get Too Much Sulfur in Your Diet?
Clinical evidence concerning sulfur intolerance is limited. Approximately one in 100 people are sensitive to this mineral and may experience adverse reactions.
Dettol Antiseptic Ingredients
Dettol ingredients include antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal and disinfectants in a range of products from cleaners, laundry soaps and skin care products.