What Foods Should You Avoid While Taking Radiation?

Diet plays an integral role in treating cancer, a disease characterized by abnormal cells that multiply uncontrollably and destroy normal cells and tissue. Nonetheless, there are certain types of foods you need to avoid while receiving radiation treatment.

What Should Kids Drink if They're Sick With a Cough?

When your child has a cough due to a cold or the flu, keeping your child hydrated is critical to her health and recovery. Often, a child's appetite diminishes as a natural side effect of being sick. However, by selecting healthy drinks for your child, you help her stay hydrated and well-nourished as she recovers.

Things to Give Children to Soothe Their Throat and Cough

When deciding what to give to soothe a sore throat and cough, determine the type of cough and suspected underlying cause. In general, there are six different types of coughs that your child may be experiencing, according to the website WhatToExpect.com.

Reasons a Todder Could be Tired When Waking from a Full Night's Sleep

Most toddlers wake up brimming with energy and ready to start jumping on the couch the minute they wake up. If your toddler normally fits that pattern but suddenly wants to lie on the couch all morning instead after what seems to have been a good night's sleep, you may be — and should be — concerned.

Do Teething Babies Get an Upset Stomach?

Teething is a natural process, starting around 3 months of age, but it still causes distress for some babies. Various physical symptoms herald the start of the teething process, but they are usually directly related to the affected area.

Do Infants Get Ear Infections With Teething?

Teething can be a tough time for a baby, forcing them to deal with a whole gamut of symptoms when their teeth are getting ready to erupt. Some babies end up with a little earache during this time. The pain from an erupting tooth can radiate to the ears and cause discomfort.

Should You Take Calcium & Baby Aspirin at Night on an Empty Stomach?

Taking some nutrients and medications at night makes sense because of the nutrition or therapeutic effect they can provide during the roughly eight hours most people are asleep. Calcium is utilized at night, although it may be used by your bones and muscles more effectively during physical activity.

Is it Safe to Drink Honey Lemon Tea While Pregnant?

If you enjoy a cup of hot tea, you may be wondering if you can continue this habit once you get a positive pregnancy test. While you should avoid certain herbal teas while you are expecting, others are safe to drink and may even offer some benefits.

5 Common Nutrition Problems in Children

Children’s dietary and nutritional requirements differ from those of adults because they are still growing. Nutrients that are essential for growth become more important in children.

Are There Any Natural Herbs for Kids to Help Them Focus Better?

A lack of concentration or focus is a common finding in children. Your child's inability to concentrate may be caused by attention deficit disorder, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Cholestasis Pregnancy Diet

Cholestasis is a liver condition that occurs only during pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association notes that it is most common during the third trimester, and that it typically goes away within a few days after the mother gives birth. The most common symptom is severe itching, which can be extremely uncomfortable.

Does Skipping Meals Affect Early Pregnancy?

Your developing baby gets all of the nutrients essential for her growth through the placenta and your bloodstream. Therefore, your diet is critical to the baby's proper growth. The baby's organs, which form during the first few months of pregnancy, require certain vitamins and minerals to develop correctly.