What Causes Delayed Tooth Eruption in Children?
When children's permanent teeth come in substantially later than average, it is called delayed tooth eruption. In "Factors Influencing Permanent Teeth Eruption," Ruta Almonaitiene, et al. argue that delayed tooth eruption does not normally indicate a medical problem.
Belly Button Discoloration in a Newborn
A discolored bellybutton -- usually blue or purplish -- is caused by an umbilical hernia. Ten percent of newborns, particularly girls and infants with African heritage, have umbilical hernias. These hernias are usually painless, and they often disappear on their own by age 2.
Can a Child Get Fever From Cutting Adult Teeth?
By the age of 3, your child usually has all of his primary or baby teeth. At the age of about 6 years or so, these begin to exfoliate and the permanent or adult teeth start to come in. This process can go on for as long as the child is 21 years or older.
Lactulose in Pregnancy
Constipation is a common complaint during pregnancy. However, stimulant laxatives may cause uterine contractions, placing your pregnancy at risk. Drug safety is crucial during pregnancy to protect your unborn child's growth and development.
Swollen Gums in an Infant
When your baby's teeth begin to erupt, usually between the ages of 6 months and 1 year, he may begin to experience many side effects. Painful and swollen gums are typical of teething and the swelling and pain will usually go away once the tooth erupts.
Is Lipton Tea Safe While Pregnant?
Pregnant women often get a laundry list of foods and activities to avoid, which can be overwhelming and confusing. Although there is some controversy regarding the safety of caffeine during pregnancy, tea -- even caffeinated Lipton tea -- appears to be safe during pregnancy -- as long as it is consumed in moderation.
How Early Do You Get Stomach Cramps When Pregnant?
Occasional stomach or abdominal cramping occurs throughout pregnancy. Many pregnant women experience cramps in the first trimester, sometimes before they know they are pregnant or soon after they discover they are pregnant. Abdominal cramps are also common in the second trimester due to growth of the uterus.
Why do Babies Have a Crying Fit at the Same Time Each Night?
Nightly crying spells in a baby can frustrate and worry exhausted new parents. Crying spells may just be your baby’s way of releasing tension or may be a sign of colic, a harmless condition characterized by long bouts of crying.
Can Having a Bad Cough Harm a Baby Inside the Womb?
Although many pregnant women are extremely afraid that their own illnesses might harm their baby, fetuses are remarkably resilient. In most cases, a cough is harmless to a developing baby. The placenta provides fetuses with substantial protection from maternal illness.
Why Does Everything Make Me Throw up When I'm Pregnant?
Morning sickness makes it difficult to keep food down when you are pregnant. Although the condition is called “morning” sickness, it can occur at any time of the day or night. Making changes to your diet can help you tolerate foods more easily and reduce nausea and vomiting.
What Could Cause a Nine Month Old Baby to Start Gagging During Feeding?
There are many reasons a 9-month-old baby gags during feedings. Eating is hard work for your infant and requires the skills needed to swallow, suck and breathe all at the same time. It is also a very tiring task.
Roasted Chicory & Pregnancy
Chicory is a cousin to the dandelion plant, and both the roots and the flowers are used for a variety of medicinal and edible reasons. If you use roasted chicory for any reason and have recently discovered you are expecting a baby, it might be wise to discontinue its use until after your little one is born.