Should You Be Worried if Your Toddler Eats Dirt?

Anyone who has spent time with toddlers knows their propensity for putting anything and everything in their mouths. It's natural for a young child to explore his world by tasting different items. Some researchers suggest the practice is evolutionary.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Potatoes?

Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone, but it becomes even more so when you are pregnant. This is because you need more nutrients to support your condition and, in terms of quality, you really are eating for two. What goes into your mouth affects your baby’s health as well as your own.

How Long Does It Take to Stop Hurting After a C-Section?

A C-section is major abdominal surgery, and recovery takes far longer than after a vaginal delivery. While the pain might seem unbearable shortly after your surgery, it typically subsides gradually over the course of a few days and weeks.

When to Replace Your Baby's Pacifiers

It’s hard to have too many of your baby’s favorite type of pacifiers. Babies often drop their pacifiers, and you cannot just pop a dirty pacifier in your baby’s mouth. Plus, those dropped pacifiers have a way of disappearing around the house and being left behind on outings.

Hydration & Fetal Movement

Fetal movement is an important indication that your baby is growing well and is healthy inside the uterus. A variety of factors can influence both the baby's movements and your perception of the baby's movements, including how much fluid you drink daily.

How Much Formula for a Four-Month-Old Infant?

By four months, a formula-fed infant will still be relying on formula for all of his nutrients. The parents should spend the first few months observing his eating habits and mix bottles according to what he normally drinks.

Face Blisters on a Toddler

Your toddler may develop blisters on her face for a variety of reasons, from chicken pox to impetigo or the Coxsackie virus. While rashes on the face are common for young children and may have causes as benign as excessive drooling, blisters on the face typically indicate a viral or bacterial infection.

Newborn Wheezing During Feeding

Wheezing can be a symptom of a number of issues, most of which are not serious. Feeding exposes the child to factors that may be causing the respiratory problems. Whether you breast or bottle feed, allergies are still a concern. The wheezing may also be unrelated to the feeding.

How Often Should I Be Feeling My Baby Move at 28 Weeks?

Fetuses have different levels of activity; some move more than others. Fetal movements occur in periods of activity and rest throughout the day (and night.) According to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, women feel at least 75 percent of fetal movements.

Is Melatonin Safe for Newborns?

Melatonin is a hormone that is released from your pineal gland and helps regulate your newborn baby's sleep and wake cycles. Your newborn's body releases more melatonin when outer conditions are dark and less when it is light outside. Melatonin is available over the counter for sleeping difficulties.

Frequent Teething and Diarrhea

Babies usually begin teething between 3 and 18 months old and continue teething until all 20 "baby" teeth emerge. Typically, the teeth emerge slowly over time, making it seem as if babies are indeed constantly teething.

Can Taking Baby Aspirin Help With a Pregnancy?

Pregnancy complications can be devastating to a woman who wants to have a baby. Whether she is suffering from infertility, has experienced recurrent miscarriages or is at risk of a serious pregnancy-related condition such as preeclampsia, she may wonder if it is possible for her to have a healthy, successful pregnancy.