Does Walking Speed Up Labor?

By the end of your third trimester, the physical discomfort of pregnancy is taking its toll, and the anticipation of labor and delivery is building. The last thing you might want to do at this point in your pregnancy is walk, but walking has several benefits.

List of the Best Foods While on Steroid Cycle

When the word “steroids” is mentioned, most people automatically assume the speaker is discussing the illegal use of anabolic steroids for performance enhancement. In fact, physicians prescribe steroids for various conditions, including the improvement of your body’s ability to increase healthy lean body mass.

Why Shouldn't Pregnant Women Lift Heavy Objects?

As a general rule, it's a good idea to avoid heavy lifting during pregnancy. According to the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth," you should be able to lift objects of up to 25 lbs. with no problems.

Ear Itching in Infants

If your infant seems to be itching or pulling on her ears, it's likely that she's just discovering them; however, in some cases, it can indicate that she's experiencing pain in the area.

Is It Bad to Walk Too Much While You Are Pregnant?

It is not bad to walk too much during pregnancy. In fact, walking is one of the best ways to get exercise during pregnancy. Staying active is beneficial for you and baby. Getting started on a regular exercise program during pregnancy depends on your level of fitness before you became pregnant.

Should Baby Cribs Be Slightly Elevated on One Side?

You may wish to slightly elevate the head of your baby's crib mattress to relieve the symptoms of certain conditions. Otherwise, elevating a crib is unnecessary and serves no purpose.

Is it OK for Kids to Eat Eggs Every Day for Breakfast?

Eggs are nutritious and high in protein, but they're also high in cholesterol. Although your child needs some cholesterol to grow healthy and strong, too much cholesterol in the diet is linked to high blood cholesterol levels later in life, which can lead to heart disease.

What Are the Effects on Teenagers When They Move to a Different City?

Changing neighborhoods and school environments can be very traumatic for teenagers -- more so if the move is due to an already stressful situation. You might notice that the move affects your teenager in several ways.

Why Is My Breast Milk Yellowish Now That I'm Discontinuing Breastfeeding?

When you decide it is time to stop breastfeeding your baby or toddler, your body begins to stop producing milk. This process does not happen overnight, however. Instead, as your child nurses less frequently -- and then stops -- your milk production slows down.

Should Babies Eat Lemons?

Lemons have a fresh, tart taste that many adults love, but they don't make an ideal food for babies. At best, babies are likely to reject a lemon's sour flavor; at worst, your baby could have an allergic reaction or develop a diaper rash after eating lemons. Wait until your baby becomes a toddler to introduce lemons.

Can Jumping Harm a Baby in the Womb?

Every pregnant woman wants to keep the precious cargo she carries in her belly safe and sound. Jumping can be a great way to get exercise, but you may wonder what effects it could have on your unborn baby. Knowing the risks and benefits can help you decide if jumping exercises are right for you.

The Effects of Pop Culture on Teenagers

While the research on the effects of pop culture on teenagers is not yet conclusive, the predominance of pop culture in today’s society definitely has some effect. In particular, it affects the way teenagers think of themselves, how they associate with others, and how they express characteristics of their maturation.