Relief for Constipation in Formula-fed Babies

Breast-fed infants defecate frequently, but formula-fed babies might go three or four days between bowel movements. Also, most babies strain when they go, because they are lying down and cannot use gravity to ease the process.

Why Do You Throw Up When You're Pregnant?

Most pregnant women know that the term "morning sickness" is a misnomer. For about three quarters of pregnant women, nausea is a first trimester daily event that doesn't discriminate against time of day, notes BabyCenter.

Symptoms of an Infant Allergic to Antibiotics

Antibiotics such as penicillin are antibacterials used to treat infections caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and parasites.

My Baby Cries When Passing Gas

If your baby cries when she is passing gas, she is probably experiencing pain due to trapped gas in her abdomen. Small babies often suffer from uncomfortable gas bubbles that form in their stomach and cause pain and irritation. Gas is especially prevalent in babies between 3 and 6 weeks of age, according to "Parents"

My One Year Old Is Suddenly Waking During the Night

While most people expect short sleep cycles with newborn babies, the resumption of night wakings in previously sound-sleeping toddlers comes as a nasty surprise for many parents. Assuming your child is healthy and teething is not especially severe, look for causes related to developmental and environmental factors.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Unsalted Butter?

Unsalted butter is no more or less nutritious than salted butter. Butter in general is not the best choice during pregnancy because of its high fat content, but the occasional indulgence won't cause harm. Opt for organic butter that is free of hormones or additives when possible.

Why Is My Baby Pulling On & Off the Nipple During Breastfeeding?

Learning to understand your baby’s cues can take anywhere from days to months. When your baby pulls away from your nipple during breastfeeding, it can mean a variety of things. Don’t get worried or discouraged when this happens.

How Often Should a Formula-Fed Baby Have a Bowel Movement?

Bowel movements are one measure of your baby’s health and nutrition. Formula-fed babies generally produce fewer bowel movements than breast-fed babies. How often a formula-fed baby has a bowel movement differs from child to child and changes as the baby grows.

Feeding Cold Water to Babies

Giving cold water to your baby is a controversial, but exciting dietary stepping stone in your child’s life. However, before you introduce cold water to your baby’s diet, is it imperative to consider many issues, such as safety and timing. Because water sometimes poses a safety hazard, you must use caution.

Flushed cheeks in Toddlers

There are many reasons why a 2-year-old experiences hot cheeks when waking up. Because hot cheeks and an elevated temperature are sometimes a sign that something is wrong with your toddler, it is important to pay attention to your child’s behavior and any additional symptoms that occur upon awakening.

Breastfeeding and Dizziness

Breastfeeding mothers who experience dizziness might feel concerned for their health and their ability to safely hold and carry their babies. Fortunately, most cases of dizziness when breastfeeding are treatable and preventable with dietary and behavioral changes.

A Lack of Affection in Childhood Development

Children may manifest moderate to severe levels of cognitive, physical and emotional stagnation when not shown adequate attention and affection by a caring and nurturing caregiver.