Itchy Nipples & Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding should be comfortable for both mom and baby. Although usually harmless, itchy nipples when breastfeeding can be irritating and even discouraging to a mother. There are several possible explanations and solutions for itchy nipples.
My Two Year Old Son Has Green Stool
The color of your child's poop can change for a number of reasons. Although you may be used to the hue ranges from a deep yellow to tan brown, green can often fall within that spectrum under some circumstances. Green is a pretty common stool color for a small child who eats a variety of different kinds of food.
Learning Strategies for Developmentally Delayed Children
A child is identified as developmentally delayed if he fails to achieve developmental milestones within the generally accepted time frames. For example, most children begin walking between the ages of 9 months and 15 months; they are able to walk by themselves by the time they are 2-years-old.
Breastfeeding & Tomato Sauce
A healthy and well-balanced diet that also includes plenty of water is essential because it allows your body to make enough nutritious milk for your little one.
Thick Green Snot From Nose in Infant
An infant with thick green snot discharging from the nose most likely has sinusitis, also known as a sinus infection. There are several steps you can take to ease painful sinuses and provide comfort to your baby. Always consult with your baby’s doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment of symptoms.
Are Red Cheeks a Symptom of Teething?
The process of teething involves baby teeth breaking through a child's gums. This can cause red cheeks, fever, swelling, drooling, irritability, sleeplessness and a decrease in appetite. The best way to help your child is to treat his symptoms while teething.
Should Children With a Low Grade Fever Be Kept Home from School?
A low-grade fever is any temperature between 98.7 degrees Fahrenheit and 100.4 degrees. Because the body's temperature varies with activity and many children have higher-than-average normal temperatures, most pediatricians don't consider temperatures below 100 degrees dangerous.
The 6 Behavioral States of a Newborn
A newborn's behavioral state comes from one of his six states of consciousness. These states include two sleep states, three awake states and one transitional state.
What to Expect from a 3-Week-Old Baby
Although the behavior of a 3-week-old can seem confusing, it is actually highly organized and complex. Newborns engage in a complex array of behaviors designed to keep them safe, bond with their caregivers, and ensure that their physical and emotional needs are met.
Do You Burn More Calories Exercising During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, not only can exercise improve your mood but it may also make delivery easier. The amount of calories you burn during exercise when you are pregnant varies because you most likely are not working out at the same exertion level as you did prior to pregnancy.
Silent Reflux in Newborns
There is nothing more disconcerting for parents than seeing their infant in pain and and not knowing why or what to do to help him. This is often the case with silent reflux in newborns.
Is Whole Milk Vs. Lactaid Milk Better for Babies?
Lactose intolerance is common, and many parents worry that a colicky baby or toddler with an upset stomach might be allergic to lactose. Other parents believe that, if they give their child a lactose-free milk, they will spare their child the difficulty of lactose-induced stomach pain.