Fractured Ribs in Infants

A fractured rib is not always easy to identify, particularly when an infant can’t tell you what’s wrong. If your baby has trauma to the chest, always consult your doctor for prompt diagnosis and treatment. A cracked rib left untreated can do significant damage to your infant’s organs.

What Is Likely to Happen If a Newborn Is Overfed?

As a new parent, it's easy to worry if you're doing your job right. If your baby doesn't seem to eat enough, you worry that you're underfeeding him. But if he eats too much, you may worry that you're overfeeding. It's good to be a vigilant and caring parent, but when it comes to overfeeding, you can relax.

How Often Should a Breastfed 4-Month-Old Eat?

It is impossible to determine the amount of milk a breastfed baby is getting. For this reason, many parents may wonder if their baby is getting enough -- or perhaps even too much -- breast milk. To add to this confusion, feeding patterns change and you can expect one of these changes around 4 months of age.

White Tea While Pregnant

Many herbal teas are off-limits while you're pregnant, but white tea in plain form isn't an herbal tea. White tea is safe in small amounts during pregnancy, but check with your doctor before adding it your diet. The tea can contain caffeine and other compounds that are potentially harmful for you or your unborn baby.

Dangerous Noise Levels for Infants

Your infant cannot protect himself against loud or harmful noises, so it's up to you to safeguard against damage to his delicate hearing. Understanding what noises can be harmful to your baby -- including sounds from loud toys -- can help you pinpoint noises that could harm him.

How to Get Toddlers to Start Chewing Their Food

As your toddler starts to transition from purees to whole foods, choking can be a concern. In addition to ensuring your child’s food is cut or torn into small enough bites, you should also teach him to chew thoroughly and properly, such as chewing with his mouth closed.

The Advantages of Drinking Milk During Pregnancy

Milk and other dairy products provide significant nutrients for pregnant women. While it is possible to obtain the nutrients in milk from other sources, milk consumption in pregnancy has been associated with better pregnancy outcomes in clinical research.

Do Spinach and Lettuce Make a Newborn Gassy During Breast-feeding?

When you're pregnant, you might become obsessed with eating well for your baby. Once she's born, that preoccupation with your diet might continue if you're breast-feeding, especially if your baby is gassy and fussy, as many are.

Importance of Music & Movement in the Education of Young Children

Many people think about learning the alphabet, counting and recognizing shapes when envisioning early childhood education. While those are all very important for children to learn, music and dance can be helpful as well.

Can Diet Cause Yellow Feet & Hands in a Toddler?

As a parent, you'll treat a number of fevers and upset tummies in your children but most parents are uncertain what to do when their child’s hands and feet turn a peculiar shade of yellow. In general, discolored palms in children are typically nothing to worry about.

The Pros and Cons of Exposing Children to Electronic Games

Electronic games, whether they are handheld or part of a larger gaming system, are widespread in the lives of 21st-century children. According to the Henry J.

Signs an Infant Is Too Hot

An infant has a much more delicate system than an adult or even an older child, so he can become too hot very quickly. When weather or clothing is making your baby warm, take off a layer of his clothes and adjust the temperature in the room.