How to Relieve Nasal Congestion in Kids
Congestion in kids has many possible causes, including exposure to environmental irritants, allergies, viral and bacterial infections and changes in humidity levels.
What Does It Mean When My 16-Month-Old Baby Is Pooping Green?
Much about a baby's health is reflected in the contents of his diapers, and most parents monitor their child's poop for abnormalities. Though green poop may seem gross or surprising, most babies produce green poop sometimes. Most of the time when a 16-month-old poops green, it is not a cause for concern.
Is it Okay to Eat Hot Sausage During Pregnancy?
Hot sausage gives a bold taste to soups and sandwich recipes, and when prepared correctly, it's safe to eat while you're pregnant. Though it's safe to eat, hot sausage isn't your healthiest choice and it can contribute to some pretty uncomfortable complaints, too.
Symptoms of Overstimulation in a Toddler
Toddlers have started to gain control over their ability to react to stimuli in the environment. They learn to shut things out in ways they couldn't as infants. However, they're still new at this skill and can get overstimulated after a long day or by being around too many people or too much excitement.
Signs and Symptoms of a Fat Malabsorption in a Toddler
Fat malabsorption is an inability of the intestine to absorb fats. Fats are essential nutrients needed for energy and growth. A number of diseases of the intestine, liver and pancreas can lead to this condition. Toddlers can be severely affected by fat malabsorption due to their rapid rate of growth.
Can Pregnant Women Eat Yams?
A healthy diet is important, especially if you're pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eating the proper nutrients during pregnancy will help your baby to develop and grow. Yams are a safe addition to your diet -- high in potassium and fiber, low in fat and sodium and rich in antioxidants containing important nutrients.
Can Pregnant Women Eat Brussels Sprouts?
It's important to get certain vitamins and minerals in your pregnancy diet, and Brussels sprouts are one way to ingest some of the nutrients you need. They're also safe to eat while you're pregnant, as long as you prepare them properly.
What Are the Benefits of Physical Education in School?
It is no secret that physical activity is necessary to a person's well-being. Because children are continuously developing physically and emotionally, they are especially affected by the benefits of activity – and inversely, the negative effects of inactivity.
How Much Should Babies Be Eating at 10 Weeks?
Many parents worry about whether their baby is eating enough. Your 10-week-old baby makes a sucking motion both when he is hungry and when he wants comfort, so the presence of sucking is not always a reliable hunger cue. Even a baby who is full may not be getting all the nutrition he needs to grow and develop.
Lighter Stool During Teething
Teething causes a wide variety of symptoms, ranging from mouth and gum discomfort to irritating rashes and loose stools. While teething should not give your baby diarrhea, it may cause light-colored, loose stools.
My Toddler Has Red Palms & Soles of the Feet
A child with red palms and soles of the feet likely has a mild virus called hand, foot and mouth disease. It’s not uncommon for half a daycare class to have this illness at the same time due to the highly contagious nature of the virus and frequent diaper changing within the facility.
Your Post-Pregnancy Body After a Second Baby
Pregnancy is generally less mysterious and nerve wracking the second time around. You've been through the cravings, contractions and labor and delivery, so you know what to expect. What may come as a surprise is the way your body has changed after your second pregnancy.