Baby Food Allergy & Puffy Eyelids

You may determine that your baby is ready to start eating solid foods when she is around age 4 to 6 months. If family members have food allergies, talk with your child’s pediatrician about your baby’s risk for food allergies.

Breastfeeding & Sore Joints

Soreness in your joints commonly results from joint tension, muscle tension and fatigue, which are not strangers to breastfeeding mothers. Awkward nursing positions, infections and chronic health conditions are all common causes of joint soreness in breastfeeding moms.

Why a Toddler Is Nervous and Covers the Ears

Even a toddler who has a wide vocabulary will not always be to explain what she’s feeling. Physical cues like covering her ears or having a scared or tense expression on her face may be her way of telling you she has a problem.

Is Mint Tea Safe for a Baby?

Mint tea is a popular home remedy for congestion and insomnia. Frustrated parents may wish to give it to congested or overtired infants. However, tea poses several risks to infants. Little evidence suggests that it is an effective home remedy for their ailments.

Severe Chapped Hands in Children

The skin on the hands is constantly exposed to the elements, making it especially sensitive to dryness and chapping. Children frequently develop severe chapped hands in the winter months, when dry air and artificial heat can both dry out the skin.

Do Babies Get Runny Noses When Teething?

Teething is not pleasant for anyone. After all, sharp little teeth pushing through tender gums are likely to cause at least a little discomfort, and one common symptom of teething is a bit of fussy behavior. Many new parents wonder whether teething can also cause other symptoms, like a runny nose.

Reasons a Baby Won't Take a Bottle Before Bed

Babies under 1 year old receive a substantial portion of their nutrition from formula or breast milk, and many fall asleep better and sleep longer when they have a bottle before bed. Many babies go through phases during which they refuse to take their bottles at certain times, particularly bedtime.

What Causes HCG Levels to Fluctuate?

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, is a hormone produced by the placenta during a normal pregnancy. Simple home test kits, which detect the presence of hCG in urine, are effective soon after the pregnancy's conception.

Can Weaning From Breast-feeding Cause Headaches?

Abrupt weaning can cause rapid hormone fluctuations, which may possibly lead to headaches. There is no medical documentation that directly links weaning with headaches -- though a rapid weaning might also cause a breast infection or abscess, potentially causing a headache, according to

Biotin & Breast-feeding

With a newborn in the house, you need all the energy you can get, and biotin will help you. Biotin, or vitamin H, is used to digest carbohydrates, fats and proteins, converting food into energy. It’s also needed for healthy skin, hair and eyes as well as proper liver and nervous system functioning.

What to Do If I'm Pregnant and Start Shaking When I Don't Eat?

Pregnant mamas-to-be have a list a mile long of the things they need to do during their pregnancies. This list often includes instructions from doctors of what to do to care for themselves, which includes eating healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks throughout the day.

Pregnancy Hormones After a Baby

Every woman goes through an immense number of hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, hormones have a direct effect on the brain chemistry that controls mood and emotions.