Can Loud Noises Hurt an Unborn Baby?
When you are pregnant, exposure to loud noises can raise the risk of hearing problems and other health issues not only for you, but also for your unborn baby. Loud noises can come from a variety of sources, including airplane engines, rock concerts, workplace-associated noise or a car radio played at a high volume.
When to Give a Newborn a Pacifier?
Trying to calm a fussy newborn is one of a new parent's greatest challenges. You may feed your baby, burp her, change her diaper and cuddle her -- and find that she still won't stop crying. When nothing else works, offering a pacifier can help calm a distressed baby.
How to Clear Your Sinuses When You Are Pregnant
Sinus congestion may result from viral or bacterial infections, allergies, environmental irritants or even the increased blood flow that naturally occurs during pregnancy.
Reasons for a Potty Trained Child to Start Wetting His Pants
Up to 4 percent of potty-trained children who are at least 4 years old experience daytime wetting accidents, according to data from “Oski’s Pediatrics.
When Should Babies Start Crawling, Walking & Talking?
Babies, like adults, vary considerably in their abilities. No two babies begin crawling, walking or talking at the same age, even if they're in the same family. Each child develops at an individual pace, although most children fall into a certain range for meeting developmental milestones.
Does Diet Affect Having a Large Baby?
No woman looks forward to giving birth to a 10-pound behemoth, but you have a family history of large babies and the future is looking bleak.
Sweating While Sleeping in Newborns
Just like children and adults sweat, so do babies -- even newborns. Newborns spend the majority of their day sleeping, and they are just as prone to sweat while asleep as they are awake. In some cases, the sweating is nothing to be worried about, but sometimes it can be a sign of a serious condition.
Recurrent High Fever in Teenagers
If your teen has a high fever, you might be concerned. Oftentimes, a fever is caused by a viral infection; however, sometimes, your teen’s fever might occur due to a bacterial infection or inflammatory condition. Knowing how to treat a high fever will assist with providing your teen some comfort.
Pros of Gay Adoption
Gay adoption is also referred to as same-sex adoption. It allows couples of the same gender to be legally recognized as parents of a minor. In some situations, the child may be the biological child of one of the parents.
Is it Safe for Kids to Eat Oysters?
Most children aren't adventurous enough to slurp a raw oyster straight out of the shell, and this is probably good. Raw oysters can harbor bacteria and toxins that can be life-threatening to young children.
How Has Texting Affected the Social Lives of Teens?
Talking on the phone is so old school. Most teens today prefer texting. About 75 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds in the United States own cellphones, and 75 percent of these teens send text messages, according to the Pew Research Center's Pew 2010 Internet and American Life Project.
When Can Children Eat Shellfish?
The time to start allowing children to eat shellfish depends on your family’s history of atopic disease, such as allergies and asthma.